You can define an operating hours set, or edit an existing operating hours set, for your account by clicking on the Operating Hours button displayed in the Settings window.

The operating hours sets defined here are used to populate the dropdown list used by the Date/Time Operating Hours Condition. Initially there are no operating hours defined for your account.

Create on Operating Hours Set

To create a new operating hours set, follow these steps:

Once you return to the Operating Hours screen you should see the operating hours set you created in the list with an icon beside it indicating that it needs to be published.

You can click on the Cancel button at any point in this process to return to the Operating Hours screen without creating an operating hours set.

Edit an Operating Hours Set

You can edit an existing operating hours set to change the name, time zone, open and closed periods, and excluded days of the set.

To edit an existing operating hours set, follow these steps:

Publish an Operating Hours Set

When you create or edit an operating hours set, you must publish it to make the set and any changes made available to the Operating Hours rule condition. The operating hours list on the Operating Hours screen identifies any sets that need published by displaying the To be Published icon beside the set in the list.

If you publish an operating hours set that is currently used by a rule you must also re-publish that rule so that the changes to the operating hours set are taken into account by the rule.

To publish an operating hours set, follow these steps:

Note: Publishing an operating hours set that is already used by a rule instructs Engagement Engine to perform an auto-publish for all rules and sites affected. This ends any A/B tests that are currently active.

Delete an Operating Hours Set

To delete an operating hours set, click on the action cog beside the set you wish to delete and select Delete from the actions listed.

You may only delete an operating hours set that is not currently associated with any rules. If the Delete option is disabled, this means that the set is associated with a rule. You must either remove the operating Hours condition from the relevant rule(s), or associate an alternative operating hours set with the condition instead.

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