Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

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Updated: January 2015

How Recursion Affects Function-Level Metrics

Recursive function calls , whether direct or indirect, complicate the calculation of metrics. Performance Analyzer displays metrics for a function as a whole, not for each invocation of a function: the metrics for a series of recursive calls must therefore be compressed into a single metric. This behavior does not affect exclusive metrics, which are calculated from the function at the bottom of the call stack (the leaf function), but it does affect inclusive and attributed metrics.

Inclusive metrics are computed by adding the metric for the event to the inclusive metric of the functions in the call stack. To ensure that the metric is not counted multiple times in a recursive call stack, the metric for the event is added only once to the inclusive metric for each unique function.

Attributed metrics are computed from inclusive metrics. In the simplest case of recursion, a recursive function has two callers: itself and another function (the initiating function). If all the work is done in the final call, the inclusive metric for the recursive function is attributed to itself and not to the initiating function. This attribution occurs because the inclusive metric for all the higher invocations of the recursive function is regarded as zero to avoid multiple counting of the metric. The initiating function, however, correctly attributes to the recursive function as a callee the portion of its inclusive metric due to the recursive call.