Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

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Updated: January 2015

Dynamic Functions and Modules

If your C or C++ program dynamically compiles functions into the data space of the program, you must supply information to the Collector if you want to see data for the dynamic function or module in Performance Analyzer. The information is passed by calls to collector API functions. The definitions of the API functions are as follows.

void collector_func_load(char *name, char *alias,
    char *sourcename, void *vaddr, int size, int lntsize,
    Lineno *lntable);
void collector_func_unload(void *vaddr);

You do not need to use these API functions for Java methods that are compiled by the Java HotSpot virtual machine, for which a different interface is used. The Java interface provides the name of the method that was compiled to the Collector. You can see function data and annotated disassembly listings for Java compiled methods, but not annotated source listings.

This section provides descriptions of the API functions.

collector_func_load() Function

Pass information about dynamically compiled functions to the Collector for recording in the experiment. The parameter list is described in the following table.

Table 3-1  Parameter List for collector_func_load()
The name of the dynamically compiled function that is used by the performance tools. The name does not have to be the actual name of the function. The name need not follow any of the normal naming conventions of functions, although it should not contain embedded blanks or embedded quote characters.
An arbitrary string used to describe the function. It can be NULL. It is not interpreted in any way, and can contain embedded blanks. It is displayed in the Summary tab of the Analyzer. It can be used to indicate what the function is, or why the function was dynamically constructed.
The path to the source file from which the function was constructed. It can be NULL. The source file is used for annotated source listings.
The address at which the function was loaded.
The size of the function in bytes.
A count of the number of entries in the line number table. It should be zero if line number information is not provided.
A table containing lntsize entries, each of which is a pair of integers. The first integer is an offset, and the second entry is a line number. All instructions between an offset in one entry and the offset given in the next entry are attributed to the line number given in the first entry. Offsets must be in increasing numeric order, but the order of line numbers is arbitrary. If lntable is NULL, no source listings of the function are possible, although disassembly listings are available.

collector_func_unload() Function

Inform the collector that the dynamic function at the address vaddr has been unloaded.