Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

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Updated: January 2015

Mapping Data Addresses to Program Data Objects

Once a PC from a hardware counter event corresponding to a memory operation has been processed to successfully backtrack to a likely causal memory-referencing instruction, Performance Analyzer uses instruction identifiers and descriptors provided by the compiler in its hardware profiling support information to derive the associated program data object.

The term data object is used to refer to program constants, variables, arrays and aggregates such as structures and unions, along with distinct aggregate elements, described in source code. Depending on the source language, data object types and their sizes vary. Many data objects are explicitly named in source programs, while others may be unnamed. Some data objects are derived or aggregated from other (simpler) data objects, resulting in a rich, often complex, set of data objects.

Each data object has an associated scope, the region of the source program where it is defined and can be referenced. This scope might be global (such as a load object), a particular compilation unit (an object file), or a function. Identical data objects might be defined with different scopes, or particular data objects referred to differently in different scopes.

Data-derived metrics from hardware counter events for memory operations collected with backtracking enabled are attributed to the associated program data object type. These metrics propagate to any aggregates containing the data object and the artificial <Total>, which is considered to contain all data objects (including <Unknown> and <Scalars>). The different subtypes of <Unknown> propagate up to the <Unknown> aggregate. The following section describes the <Total>, <Scalars>, and <Unknown> data objects.