Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

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Updated: January 2015

er_label Examples

Example 8-1  Defining a label with time markers relative to the beginning of the experiment

To define a label named snap in the experiment that covers the part of a run from 15 seconds after the start of the experiment for a duration of 10 minutes, use the following command:

% er_label -o -n snap -t start=15 -t stop=10:15

Alternatively, you can specify the markers for the interval in separate commands:

% er_label -o -n snap -t start=15
% er_label -o -n snap -t stop=10:15
Example 8-2  Defining a label with time markers relative to the current time

To define a label named last5mins in the experiment that covers the part of a run from 5 minutes ago to the current time:

% er_label -o -n last5mins -t start=@-05:00 -t stop