Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

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Updated: January 2015

Callers-Callees View

The Callers-Callees view shows the calling relationships between the functions in your code, along with performance metrics. The Callers-Callees view enables you to examine metrics for code branches in detail by building call stack fragments one call at a time.

The view shows three separate panels: the Callers panel at the top, the Stack Fragment panel in the center, and the Callees panel at the bottom. When you first open the Callers-Callees view, the function in the Stack Fragment panel is the function that you selected in one of the other Analyzer views, such as the Function view or Source view. The Callers panel lists functions that call the function in the Stack Fragment panel, and the Callees panel lists functions that are called by the function in the Stack Fragment panel.

You can construct a call stack fragment around the center function, one call at a time, by adding callers or callees to the call stack.

To add a call to the stack fragment, double-click a function in the Callers pane or Callees pane, or select a function and click the Add button.

To remove a function call, double-click the function at the top or bottom of the call stack fragment, or select the top or bottom function and click Remove.

Tip  -  To perform the Add and Remove tasks through the context menu, right-click a function and select the appropriate command.

To set a function as the head (top), center, or tail (bottom) of the call stack fragment, select the function and click Set Head, Set Center, or Set Tail. This new ordering causes other functions currently in the call stack fragment to move to the Callers area or Callees area to their appropriate location in relation to the new location of the selected function in the stack fragment.

Use the Back and Forward buttons located above the Stack Fragment panel to go through the history of your changes to the call stack fragment.

As you add and remove functions in the stack fragment, the metrics are computed for the entire fragment and displayed next to the last function in the fragment.

You can select a function in any panel of the Callers-Callees view and then right-click to open a context menu and select filters. The data is filtered according to your selection in this view and all the Analyzer data views. See the online help for details about using context filters.

    The Callers-Callees view shows attributed metrics:

  • For the call stack fragment in the Stack Fragment panel, the attributed metric represents the exclusive metric for that call stack fragment.

  • For the callees, the attributed metric represents the portion of the callee's metric that is attributable to calls from the call stack fragment. The sum of attributed metrics for the callees and the call stack fragment should add up to the metric for the call stack fragment.

  • For the callers, the attributed metrics represent the portion of the call stack fragment's metric that is attributable to calls from the callers. The sum of the attributed metrics for all callers should also add up to the metric for the call stack fragment.

For more information about metrics, see Function-Level Metrics: Exclusive, Inclusive, and Attributed.