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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Alien::Build::Manual::PluginAuthor (3)


Alien::Build::Manual::PluginAuthor - Alien::Build plugin author documentation


your plugin:

package Alien::Build::Plugin::Build::MyPlugin;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Alien::Build::Plugin;

has arg1 => 'default_for arg1';
has arg2 => sub { [ 'default', 'for', 'arg2' ] };

sub init
my($self, $meta) = @_;


and then from alienfile:

use alienfile;
plugin 'Build::MyPlugin' => (
arg1 => 'override for arg1',
arg2 => [ 'something', 'else' ],


User Contributed Perl Documentation

       Alien::Build::Manual::PluginAuthor - Alien::Build plugin author

       version 1.89

       your plugin:

        package Alien::Build::Plugin::Build::MyPlugin;

        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use Alien::Build::Plugin;

        has arg1 => 'default_for arg1';
        has arg2 => sub { [ 'default', 'for', 'arg2' ] };

        sub init
          my($self, $meta) = @_;


       and then from alienfile:

        use alienfile;
        plugin 'Build::MyPlugin' => (
          arg1 => 'override for arg1',
          arg2 => [ 'something', 'else' ],

       This document explains how to write Alien::Build plugins using the
       Alien::Build::Plugin base class.  Plugins use Alien::Build::Plugin,
       which sets the appropriate base class, and provides you with the "has"
       property builder.  "has" takes two arguments, the name of the property
       and the default value.  (As with Moose and Moo, you should use a code
       reference to specify default values for non-string defaults).

       The only method that you need to implement is "init".  From this method
       you can add hooks to change the behavior of the alienfile recipe.

        sub init
          my($self, $meta) = @_;
            probe => sub {
              my($build) = @_;
              if( ... )
                return 'system';
                return 'share';

       Hooks get the Alien::Build instance as their first argument, and
       depending on the hook may get additional arguments.

       You can also modify hooks using "before_hook", "around_hook" and

        sub init
          my($self, $meta) = @_;

            build => sub {
              my($build) = @_;
              $build->log('this runs before the build');

            build => sub {
              my($build) = @_;
              $build->log('this runs after the build');

            build => sub {
              my $orig = shift;

              # around hooks are useful for setting environment variables
              local $ENV{CPPFLAGS} = '-I/foo/include';


       You can and should write tests for your plugin.  The best way to do
       this is using Test::Alien::Build, which allows you to write an inline
       alienfile in your test.

        use Test::V0;
        use Test::Alien::Build;

        my $build = alienfile_ok q{
          use alienfile;
          plugin 'Build::MyPlugin' => (
            arg1 => 'override for arg1',
            arg2 => [ 'something', 'else' ],

        # you can interrogate $build, it is an instance of L<Alien::Build>.

        my $alien = alien_build_ok;

        # you can interrogate $alien, it is an instance of L<Alien::Base>.

   probe hook
        $meta->register_hook( probe => sub {
          my($build) = @_;
          return 'system' if ...; # system install
          return 'share';         # otherwise

        $meta->register_hook( probe => [ $command ] );

       This hook should return the string "system" if the operating system
       provides the library or tool.  It should return "share" otherwise.

       You can also use a command that returns true when the tool or library
       is available.  For example for use with "pkg-config":

        $meta->register_hook( probe =>
          [ '%{pkgconf} --exists libfoo' ] );

       Or if you needed a minimum version:

        $meta->register_hook( probe =>
          [ '%{pkgconf} --atleast-version=1.00 libfoo' ] );

       Note that this hook SHOULD NOT gather system properties, such as
       cflags, libs, versions, etc, because the probe hook will be skipped in
       the event the environment variable "ALIEN_INSTALL_TYPE" is set.  The
       detection of these properties should instead be done by the
       "gather_system" hook, below.

   gather_system hook
        $meta->register_hook( gather_system => sub {
          my($build) = @_;
          $build->runtime_prop->{cflags}  = ...;
          $build->runtime_prop->{libs}    = ...;
          $build->runtime_prop->{version} = ...;

       This hook is called for a system install to determine the properties
       necessary for using the library or tool.  These properties should be
       stored in the "runtime_prop" hash as shown above.  Typical properties
       that are needed for libraries are cflags and libs.  If at all possible
       you should also try to determine the version of the library or tool.

   download hook
        $meta->register_hook( download => sub {
          my($build) = @_;

       This hook is used to download from the internet the source.  Either as
       an archive (like tar, zip, etc), or as a directory of files (git clone,
       etc).  When the hook is called, the current working directory will be a
       new empty directory, so you can save the download to the current
       directory.  If you store a single file in the directory, Alien::Build
       will assume that it is an archive, which will be processed by the
       extract hook below.  If you store multiple files, Alien::Build will
       assume the current directory is the source root.  If no files are
       stored at all, an exception with an appropriate diagnostic will be

       Note: If you register this hook, then the fetch, decode and prefer
       hooks will NOT be called.

   fetch hook
        package Alien::Build::Plugin::MyPlugin;

        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use Alien::Build::Plugin;
        use Carp ();

        has '+url' => sub { Carp::croak "url is required property" };

        sub init
          my($self, $meta) = @_;

          $meta->register_hook( fetch => sub {
            my($build, $url) = @_;


       Used to fetch a resource.  The first time it will be called without an
       argument, so the configuration used to find the resource should be
       specified by the plugin's properties.  On subsequent calls the first
       argument will be a URL.

       Normally the first fetch will be to either a file or a directory
       listing.  If it is a file then the content should be returned as a hash
       reference with the following keys:

        # content of file stored in Perl
        return {
          type     => 'file',
          filename => $filename,
          content  => $content,
          version  => $version,  # optional, if known

        # content of file stored in the filesystem
        return {
          type     => 'file',
          filename => $filename,
          path     => $path,     # full file system path to file
          version  => $version,  # optional, if known
          tmp      => $tmp,      # optional

       $tmp if set will indicate if the file is temporary or not, and can be
       used by Alien::Build to save a copy in some cases.  The default is
       true, so Alien::Build assumes the file or directory is temporary if you
       don't tell it otherwise.

       If the URL points to a directory listing you should return it as either
       a hash reference containing a list of files:

        return {
          type => 'list',
          list => [
            # filename: each filename should be just the
            #   filename portion, no path or url.
            # url: each url should be the complete url
            #   needed to fetch the file.
            # version: OPTIONAL, may be provided by some fetch or prefer
            { filename => $filename1, url => $url1, version => $version1 },
            { filename => $filename2, url => $url2, version => $version2 },

       or if the listing is in HTML format as a hash reference containing the
       HTML information:

        return {
          type => 'html',
          charset => $charset, # optional
          base    => $base,    # the base URL: used for computing relative URLs
          content => $content, # the HTML content

       or a directory listing (usually produced by ftp servers) as a hash

        return {
          type    => 'dir_listing',
          base    => $base,
          content => $content,

   decode hook
        sub init
          my($self, $meta) = @_;

          $meta->register_hook( decode => sub {
            my($build, $res) = @_;

       This hook takes a response hash reference from the "fetch" hook above
       with a type of "html" or "dir_listing" and converts it into a response
       hash reference of type "list".  In short it takes an HTML or FTP file
       listing response from a fetch hook and converts it into a list of
       filenames and links that can be used by the prefer hook to choose the
       correct file to download.  See "fetch" for the specification of the
       input and response hash references.

   prefer hook
        sub init
          my($self, $meta) = @_;

          $meta->register_hook( prefer => sub {
            my($build, $res) = @_;
            return {
              type => 'list',
              list => [sort @{ $res->{list} }],

       This hook sorts candidates from a listing generated from either the
       "fetch" or "decode" hooks.  It should return a new list hash reference
       with the candidates sorted from best to worst.  It may also remove
       candidates that are totally unacceptable.

   extract hook
        $meta->register_hook( extract => sub {
          my($build, $archive) = @_;

   patch hook
        $meta->register_hook( patch => sub {
          my($build) = @_;

       This hook is completely optional.  If registered, it will be triggered
       after extraction and before build.  It allows you to apply any patches
       or make any modifications to the source if they are necessary.

   patch_ffi hook
        $meta->register_hook( patch_ffi => sub {
          my($build) = @_;

       This hook is exactly like the "patch" hook, except it fires only on an
       FFI build.

   build hook
        $meta->register_hook( build => sub {
          my($build) = @_;

       This does the main build of the alienized project and installs it into
       the staging area.  The current directory is the build root.  You need
       to run whatever tools are necessary for the project, and install them
       into "%{.install.prefix}".

   build_ffi hook
        $meta->register_hook( build_ffi => sub {
          my($build) = @_;

       This is the same as "build", except it fires only on a FFI build.

   gather_share hook
        $meta->register_hook( gather_share => sub {
          my($build) = @_;

       This is the same as "gather_system", except it fires after a "share"

   gather_ffi hook
        $meta->register_hook( gather_ffi => sub {
          my($build) = @_;

       This is the same as "gather_share", except it fires after a "share" FFI

   override hook
        $meta->register_hook( override => sub {
          my($build) = @_;

       This allows you to alter the override logic.  It should return one of
       "share", "system", "default" or ''.  The default implementation is just

        return $ENV{ALIEN_INSTALL_TYPE} || '';

        $meta->register_hook( clean_install => sub {
          my($build) = @_;

       This hook allows you to remove files from the final install location
       before the files are installed by the installer layer (examples:
       Alien::Build::MM, Alien::Build::MB or App::af).  This hook is never
       called by default, and must be enabled via the interface to the
       installer layer.

       This hook SHOULD NOT remove the "_alien" directory or its content from
       the install location.

       The default implementation removes all the files EXCEPT the "_alien"
       directory and its content.

       Author: Graham Ollis <plicease@cpan.org>


       Diab Jerius (DJERIUS)

       Roy Storey (KIWIROY)

       Ilya Pavlov

       David Mertens (run4flat)

       Mark Nunberg (mordy, mnunberg)

       Christian Walde (Mithaldu)

       Brian Wightman (MidLifeXis)

       Zaki Mughal (zmughal)

       mohawk (mohawk2, ETJ)

       Vikas N Kumar (vikasnkumar)

       Flavio Poletti (polettix)

       Salvador Fandio (salva)

       Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar)

       Pavel Shaydo (zwon, trinitum)

       Kang-min Liu (, gugod)

       Nicholas Shipp (nshp)

       Juan Julin Merelo Guervs (JJ)

       Joel Berger (JBERGER)

       Petr Pisar (ppisar)

       Lance Wicks (LANCEW)

       Ahmad Fatoum (a3f, ATHREEF)

       Jos Joaqun Atria (JJATRIA)

       Duke Leto (LETO)

       Shoichi Kaji (SKAJI)

       Shawn Laffan (SLAFFAN)

       Paul Evans (leonerd, PEVANS)

       This software is copyright (c) 2011-2019 by Graham Ollis.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
       the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |        ATTRIBUTE VALUE         |
       |Availability   | library/perl-5/alien-build-532 |
       |Stability      | Volatile                       |

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This software was built from source available at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.  The original community
       source was downloaded from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://search.cpan.org/dist/Alien-Build/.

perl v5.32.0                      2019-09-25