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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

TAP::Parser::SourceHandler (3)


TAP::Parser::SourceHandler - Base class for different TAP source handlers


# abstract class - don't use directly!
# see TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory for general usage

# must be sub-classed for use
package MySourceHandler;
use base 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler';
sub can_handle    { return $confidence_level }
sub make_iterator { return $iterator }

# see example below for more details


Perl Programmers Reference Guide

       TAP::Parser::SourceHandler - Base class for different TAP source

       Version 3.42

         # abstract class - don't use directly!
         # see TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory for general usage

         # must be sub-classed for use
         package MySourceHandler;
         use base 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler';
         sub can_handle    { return $confidence_level }
         sub make_iterator { return $iterator }

         # see example below for more details

       This is an abstract base class for TAP::Parser::Source handlers /

       A "TAP::Parser::SourceHandler" does whatever is necessary to produce &
       capture a stream of TAP from the raw source, and package it up in a
       TAP::Parser::Iterator for the parser to consume.

       "SourceHandlers" must implement the source detection & handling
       interface used by TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory.  At 2 methods, the
       interface is pretty simple: "can_handle" and "make_source".

       Unless you're writing a new TAP::Parser::SourceHandler, a plugin, or
       subclassing TAP::Parser, you probably won't need to use this module

   Class Methods

       Abstract method.

         my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );

       $source is a TAP::Parser::Source.

       Returns a number between 0 & 1 reflecting how confidently the raw
       source can be handled.  For example, 0 means the source cannot handle
       it, 0.5 means it may be able to, and 1 means it definitely can.  See
       "detect_source" in TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory for details on how this
       is used.


       Abstract method.

         my $iterator = $class->make_iterator( $source );

       $source is a TAP::Parser::Source.

       Returns a new TAP::Parser::Iterator object for use by the TAP::Parser.
       "croak"s on error.

       Please see "SUBCLASSING" in TAP::Parser for a subclassing overview, and
       any of the subclasses that ship with this module as an example.  What
       follows is a quick overview.

       Start by familiarizing yourself with TAP::Parser::Source and
       TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory.  TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP is
       the easiest sub-class to use as an example.

       It's important to point out that if you want your subclass to be
       automatically used by TAP::Parser you'll have to and make sure it gets
       loaded somehow.  If you're using prove you can write an App::Prove
       plugin.  If you're using TAP::Parser or TAP::Harness directly (e.g.
       through a custom script, ExtUtils::MakeMaker, or Module::Build) you can
       use the "config" option which will cause "load_sources" in
       TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory to load your subclass).

       Don't forget to register your class with "register_handler" in

         package MySourceHandler;

         use strict;

         use MySourceHandler; # see TAP::Parser::SourceHandler
         use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory;

         use base 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler';

         TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory->register_handler( __PACKAGE__ );

         sub can_handle {
             my ( $class, $src ) = @_;
             my $meta   = $src->meta;
             my $config = $src->config_for( $class );

             if ($config->{accept_all}) {
                 return 1.0;
             } elsif (my $file = $meta->{file}) {
                 return 0.0 unless $file->{exists};
                 return 1.0 if $file->{lc_ext} eq '.tap';
                 return 0.9 if $file->{shebang} && $file->{shebang} =~ /^#!.+tap/;
                 return 0.5 if $file->{text};
                 return 0.1 if $file->{binary};
             } elsif ($meta->{scalar}) {
                 return 0.8 if $$raw_source_ref =~ /\d\.\.\d/;
                 return 0.6 if $meta->{has_newlines};
             } elsif ($meta->{array}) {
                 return 0.8 if $meta->{size} < 5;
                 return 0.6 if $raw_source_ref->[0] =~ /foo/;
                 return 0.5;
             } elsif ($meta->{hash}) {
                 return 0.6 if $raw_source_ref->{foo};
                 return 0.2;

             return 0;

         sub make_iterator {
             my ($class, $source) = @_;
             # this is where you manipulate the source and
             # capture the stream of TAP in an iterator
             # either pick a TAP::Parser::Iterator::* or write your own...
             my $iterator = TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array->new([ 'foo', 'bar' ]);
             return $iterator;


       TAPx Developers.

       Source detection stuff added by Steve Purkis

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | runtime/perl-532      |
       |Stability      | Pass-through volatile |

       TAP::Object, TAP::Parser, TAP::Parser::Source, TAP::Parser::Iterator,
       TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable,
       TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File,
       TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This software was built from source available at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.  The original community
       source was downloaded from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://www.perl.org/.

perl v5.32.0                      2020-06-14