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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

ares_set_socket_functions (3)


ares_set_socket_functions - Set socket io callbacks


#include <ares.h>

struct ares_socket_functions {
ares_socket_t(*asocket)(int, int, int, void *);
int(*aclose)(ares_socket_t, void *);
int(*aconnect)(ares_socket_t, const struct sockaddr *, ares_socklen_t, void *);
ares_ssize_t(*arecvfrom)(ares_socket_t, void *, size_t, int, struct sockaddr *, ares_socklen_t *, void *);
ares_ssize_t(*asendv)(ares_socket_t, const struct iovec *, int, void *);

void ares_set_socket_functions(ares_channel channel,
const struct ares_socket_functions * functions,
void *user_data);


Library Functions Manual                          ARES_SET_SOCKET_FUNCTIONS(3)

       ares_set_socket_functions - Set socket io callbacks

       #include <ares.h>

       struct ares_socket_functions {
            ares_socket_t(*asocket)(int, int, int, void *);
            int(*aclose)(ares_socket_t, void *);
            int(*aconnect)(ares_socket_t, const struct sockaddr *, ares_socklen_t, void *);
            ares_ssize_t(*arecvfrom)(ares_socket_t, void *, size_t, int, struct sockaddr *, ares_socklen_t *, void *);
            ares_ssize_t(*asendv)(ares_socket_t, const struct iovec *, int, void *);

       void ares_set_socket_functions(ares_channel channel,
                             const struct ares_socket_functions * functions,
                             void *user_data);

       This  function sets a set of callback functions in the given ares chan-
       nel handle.  These callback functions will be invoked to create/destroy
       socket  objects  and  perform io, instead of the normal system calls. A
       client application can override normal network operation fully  through
       this functionality, and provide its own transport layer.

       All callback functions are expected to operate like their system equiv-
       alents, and to set errno(3) to an appropriate error code on failure. C-
       ares also expects all io functions to behave asynchronously, i.e. as if
       the socket object has been set to non-blocking  mode.  Thus  read/write
       calls  (for  TCP  connections) are expected to often generate EAGAIN or

       The user_data value is provided to each callback function invocation to
       serve as context.

       The ares_socket_functions must provide the following callbacks:

       asocket           ares_socket_t(*)(int  domain, int type, int protocol,
                         void * user_data)
                         Creates an endpoint for communication and  returns  a
                         descriptor.  domain,  type,  and protocol each corre-
                         spond to the parameters of socket(2).  Returns  ahan-
                         dle to the newly created socket, or -1 on error.

       aclose            int(*)(ares_socket_t fd, void * user_data)
                         Closes  the  socket  endpoint  indicated  by  fd. See

       aconnect          int(*)(ares_socket_t  fd,  const  struct  sockaddr  *
                         addr, ares_socklen_t addr_len, void * user_data)
                         Initiate  a  connection  to  the address indicated by
                         addr on a socket. See connect(2)

       arecvfrom         ares_ssize_t(*)(ares_socket_t  fd,  void  *   buffer,
                         size_t  buf_size,  int flags, struct sockaddr * addr,
                         ares_socklen_t * addr_len, void * user_data)
                         Receives data from remote socket endpoint, if  avail-
                         able.  If the addr parameter is not NULL and the con-
                         nection protocol provides  the  source  address,  the
                         callback should fill this in. See recvfrom(2)

       asendv            ares_ssize_t(*)(ares_socket_t  fd, const struct iovec
                         * data, int len, void * user_data)
                         Send data, as provided by the iovec  array  data,  to
                         the socket endpoint. See writev(2),

       The  ares_socket_functions  struct  provided is not copied but directly
       referenced, and must thus remain valid through out the channels and any
       created socket's lifetime.

       Added in c-ares 1.13.0

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | library/libcares |
       |Stability      | Volatile         |

       ares_init_options(3),   socket(2),   close(2),   connect(2),   recv(2),
       recvfrom(2), send(2), writev(2)

       Carl Wilund

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source   was   downloaded   from     https://c-ares.haxx.se/download/c-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://c-ares.haxx.se/.

                                  13 Dec 2016