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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

gv-php (3)


gv-php - graph manipulation in php




gv(3)                      Library Functions Manual                      gv(3)

       gv_php - graph manipulation in php


       gv_php  is  a dynamically loaded extension for php that provides access
       to the graph facilities of graphviz.

       New graphs

       New empty graph
              graph_handle gv::graph (name);
              graph_handle gv::digraph (name);
              graph_handle gv::strictgraph (name);
              graph_handle gv::strictdigraph (name);

       New graph from a dot-syntax string or file
              graph_handle gv::readstring (string);
              graph_handle gv::read (string filename);
              graph_handle gv::read (channel);

       Add new subgraph to existing graph
              graph_handle gv::graph (graph_handle, name);

       New nodes

       Add new node to existing graph
              node_handle gv::node (graph_handle, name);

       New edges

       Add new edge between existing nodes
              edge_handle gv::edge (tail_node_handle, head_node_handle);

       Add a new edge between an existing tail node, and  a  named  head  node
       which will be induced in the graph if it doesn't already exist
              edge_handle gv::edge (tail_node_handle, head_name);

       Add  a  new  edge  between an existing head node, and a named tail node
       which will be induced in the graph if it doesn't already exist
              edge_handle gv::edge (tail_name, head_node_handle);

       Add a new edge between named tail  and head nodes which will be induced
       in the graph if they don't already exist
              edge_handle gv::edge (graph_handle, tail_name, head_name);

       Setting attribute values

       Set value of named attribute of graph/node/edge - creating attribute if
              string gv::setv (graph_handle, attr_name, attr_value);
              string gv::setv (node_handle, attr_name, attr_value);
              string gv::setv (edge_handle, attr_name, attr_value);

       Set value of existing attribute  of  graph/node/edge  (using  attribute
              string gv::setv (graph_handle, attr_handle, attr_value);
              string gv::setv (node_handle, attr_handle, attr_value);
              string gv::setv (edge_handle, attr_handle, attr_value);

       Getting attribute values

       Get value of named attribute of graph/node/edge
              string gv::getv (graph_handle, attr_name);
              string gv::getv (node_handle, attr_name);
              string gv::getv (edge_handle, attr_name);

       Get value of attribute of graph/node/edge (using attribute handle)
              string gv::getv (graph_handle, attr_handle);
              string gv::getv (node_handle, attr_handle);
              string gv::getv (edge_handle, attr_handle);

       Obtain names from handles
              string gv::nameof (graph_handle);
              string gv::nameof (node_handle);
              string gv::nameof (attr_handle);

       Find handles from names
              graph_handle gv::findsubg (graph_handle, name);
              node_handle gv::findnode (graph_handle, name);
              edge_handle gv::findedge (tail_node_handle, head_node_handle);
              attribute_handle gv::findattr (graph_handle, name);
              attribute_handle gv::findattr (node_handle, name);
              attribute_handle gv::findattr (edge_handle, name);

       Misc graph navigators returning handles
              node_handle gv::headof (edge_handle);
              node_handle gv::tailof (edge_handle);
              graph_handle gv::graphof (graph_handle);
              graph_handle gv::graphof (edge_handle);
              graph_handle gv::graphof (node_handle);
              graph_handle gv::rootof (graph_handle);

       Obtain handles of proto node/edge for setting default attribute values
              node_handle gv::protonode (graph_handle);
              edge_handle gv::protoedge (graph_handle);


       Iteration termination tests
              bool gv::ok (graph_handle);
              bool gv::ok (node_handle);
              bool gv::ok (edge_handle);
              bool gv::ok (attr_handle);

       Iterate over subgraphs of a graph
              graph_handle gv::firstsubg (graph_handle);
              graph_handle gv::nextsubg (graph_handle, subgraph_handle);

       Iterate over supergraphs of a graph (obscure and rarely useful)
              graph_handle gv::firstsupg (graph_handle);
              graph_handle gv::nextsupg (graph_handle, subgraph_handle);

       Iterate over edges of a graph
              edge_handle gv::firstedge (graph_handle);
              edge_handle gv::nextedge (graph_handle, edge_handle);

       Iterate over outedges of a graph
              edge_handle gv::firstout (graph_handle);
              edge_handle gv::nextout (graph_handle, edge_handle);

       Iterate over edges of a node
              edge_handle gv::firstedge (node_handle);
              edge_handle gv::nextedge (node_handle, edge_handle);

       Iterate over out-edges of a node
              edge_handle gv::firstout (node_handle);
              edge_handle gv::nextout (node_handle, edge_handle);

       Iterate over head nodes reachable from out-edges of a node
              node_handle gv::firsthead (node_handle);
              node_handle gv::nexthead (node_handle, head_node_handle);

       Iterate over in-edges of a graph
              edge_handle gv::firstin (graph_handle);
              edge_handle gv::nextin (node_handle, edge_handle);

       Iterate over in-edges of a node
              edge_handle gv::firstin (node_handle);
              edge_handle gv::nextin (graph_handle, edge_handle);

       Iterate over tail nodes reachable from in-edges of a node
              node_handle gv::firsttail (node_handle);
              node_handle gv::nexttail (node_handle, tail_node_handle);

       Iterate over nodes of a graph
              node_handle gv::firstnode (graph_handle);
              node_handle gv::nextnode (graph_handle, node_handle);

       Iterate over nodes of an edge
              node_handle gv::firstnode (edge_handle);
              node_handle gv::nextnode (edge_handle, node_handle);

       Iterate over attributes of a graph
              attribute_handle gv::firstattr (graph_handle);
              attribute_handle gv::nextattr (graph_handle, attr_handle);

       Iterate over attributes of an edge
              attribute_handle gv::firstattr (edge_handle);
              attribute_handle gv::nextattr (edge_handle, attr_handle);

       Iterate over attributes of a node
              attribute_handle gv::firstattr (node_handle);
              attribute_handle gv::nextattr (node_handle, attr_handle);

       Remove graph objects
              bool gv::rm (graph_handle);
              bool gv::rm (node_handle);
              bool gv::rm (edge_handle);


       Annotate  a  graph  with  layout attributes and values using a specific
       layout engine
              bool gv::layout (graph_handle, string engine);


       Render a layout into attributes of the graph
              bool gv::render (graph_handle);

       Render a layout to stdout
              bool gv::render (graph_handle, string format);

       Render to an open file
              bool gv::render (graph_handle, string format, channel fout);

       Render a layout to an unopened file by name
              bool gv::render (graph_handle, string format, string filename);

       Render to a string result
              string gv::renderresult (graph_handle ing, string format);
              gv::renderresult (graph_handle, string format, string outdata);

       Render to an open channel
              bool  gv::renderchannel  (graph_handle,  string  format,  string

       Render a layout to a malloc'ed string, to be free'd by the caller

       (deprecated - too easy to leak memory)

       (still needed for "eval [gv::renderdata $G tk]" )
              string gv::renderdata (graph_handle, string format);

       Writing graph back to file
              bool gv::write (graph_handle, string filename);
              bool gv::write (graph_handle, channel);

       Graph transformation tools
              bool gv::tred (graph_handle);

       graph, dot, neato, fdp, circo, twopi, php.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |      ATTRIBUTE VALUE        |
       |Availability   | image/graphviz/graphviz-php |
       |Stability      | Volatile                    |

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source  was  downloaded from  http://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/ar-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.graphviz.org/.

                                 28 June 2022                            gv(3)