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マニュアルページ セクション 8: システム管理コマンド


更新: 2022年7月27日

check-permissions (8)


check-permissions - check permissions on mail rerouting files


/usr/sbin/check-permissions [login]


System Administration Commands                            check-permissions(8)

       check-permissions - check permissions on mail rerouting files

       /usr/sbin/check-permissions [login]

       The   check-permissions script is intended as a migration aid for send-
       mail(8). It checks the /etc/mail/sendmail.cf file  for  all  configured
       alias  files,  and  checks the alias files for :include: files. It also
       checks for certain .forward files. For each  file  that   check-permis-
       sions  checks,  it  verifies  that  none  of the parent directories are
       group- or world-writable. If any directories are overly permissive,  it
       is  reported.  Otherwise  it  reports  that  no unsafe directories were

       As to which .forward files are checked, it  depends  on  the  arguments
       included  on  the  command  line.  If no argument is given, the current
       user's home directory is checked for the presence of a  .forward  file.
       If  any  arguments  are given, they are assumed to be valid logins, and
       the home directory of each one is checked.

       If the special  argument  ALL  is  given,   the  passwd  entry  in  the
       /etc/nsswitch.conf  file  is checked, and all password entries that can
       be obtained through the switch file are checked. In large domains, this
       can be time-consuming.

       The following operands are supported:

       login    Where  login  is  a valid user name, checks the home directory
                for  login.

       ALL      Checks the home directory of  all users.

       /etc/mail/sendmail.cf    Defines environment for  sendmail

       /etc/mail/aliases        Ascii mail aliases file

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |      ATTRIBUTE TYPE         |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE        |
       |Availability                 |service/network/smtp/sendmail |
       |Interface Stability          |Committed                     |

       aliases(5), attributes(7), getent(8), sendmail(8)

Solaris 11.4                      8 Mar 2016              check-permissions(8)