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更新: 2022年7月27日

ck-seat-tool (8)


ck-seat-tool - ConsoleKit seat tool


ck-seat-tool   --add   --display-type=type  [--seat-id=id]  [--session-
type=type] [variable variable...]

ck-seat-tool --delete --session-id=id

ck-seat-tool [--help] [--version]


ck-seat-tool(8)             System Manager's Manual            ck-seat-tool(8)

       ck-seat-tool - ConsoleKit seat tool

       ck-seat-tool   --add   --display-type=type  [--seat-id=id]  [--session-
       type=type] [variable variable...]

       ck-seat-tool --delete --session-id=id

       ck-seat-tool [--help] [--version]

       ck-seat-tool is a utility that causes ConsoleKit to  add  or  delete  a
       ConsoleKit  session  in  a dymanic fashion.  When adding a session, the
       --display-type option must be specified.  When deleting a session,  the
       --session-id option must be specified.

       To  use  ck-seat-tool, it must be run as the same user which is running
       the main ConsoleKit daemon, which is normally the root user.  Otherwise
       the request is ignored.

       When adding a session, the --seat-id option works as follows:

         o  If  --seat-id=id is provided and this seat exists, then a new ses-
            sion will be added to that seat.

         o  If --seat-id=id is provided, but this seat does not exist, then  a
            new  seat  with the specified seat.  id is created, and a new ses-
            sion added to that seat.

         o  If --seat-id=id is not given, a new seat id (Seat#) will be gener-
            ated, and a new session added to that seat.

       When adding a session, if session is successfully added, the session ID
       is printed in the standard output.

       Note that to delete a session which is running on a particular DISPLAY,
       it  may be necessary to run the ck-list-sessions(1) command to find the
       corresponding session ID for a given DISPLAY.

       The following options are supported:

       -a, --add
              Add the specified session.

       -d, --delete
              Delete the specified session.

              This option is only available when adding a session.   Specifies
              the  display  type  in the ConsoleKit display configuration that
              will be associated with the session.

       -h, --help
              Display detailed usage message.

              This option is only available when adding a  session.  Specifies
              the seat id that will be associated with the session.

              This  option  is only available when deleting a session.  Speci-
              fies the  session  id  associated  with  session  that  will  be

              This  option is only available when adding a session.  Specifies
              the session type that will be associated with the session.   The
              default value is "LoginWindow".

       -V, --version
              Display the version of the ck-seat-tool application.

       The following operand is supported only when adding a session:

              The  variable  operand  is only available when adding a session.
              The command to run when starting a session  is  specified  in  a
              ConsoleKit display configuration file named /etc/ConsoleKit/dis-
              plays.d/display_type.display, where display_type is specified by
              the --display-type option.  This file is in standard INI format.
              The command is specified by the key "X11/Exec".  For example:

              Exec=/usr/X11/bin/Xorg $display -br -verbose $vt

              Arguments that start with the "$" sign are variables.  The  val-
              ues for these variables can be specified with the variable oper-
              and.  For example, if this value is  "display=:0  vt=vt9",  this
              would set the "$display" argument to ":0" and the "$vt" argument
              to "vt9".

       Example 1: To add a session to the next available seat with  a  display
       type of "Local" and start it on display ":20"

       example% ck-seat-tool -a --display-type=Local display=:20

       Example 2: To add a session to Seat10 with a session type of "LoginWin-
       dow", a display type of "Local", and start it on display ":20"

       example% ck-seat-tool -a --session-type=LoginWindow --display-type=Local --seat-id=Seat10 display=:20

       Example 3: To remove the session with session ID "/org/freedesktop/Con-

       example% ck-seat-tool --d --session-id=/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2

       The following exit values are returned:

       0      Application exited successfully

       1      Application exited with failure

       The following files are used by this application:

              Executable for ConsoleKit seat tool.

              ConsoleKit display configuration files.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | library/xdg/consolekit |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted            |

       ck-history(1),    ck-launch-session(1),   ck-list-sessions(1),   gdmdy-
       namic(1), console-kit-daemon(8), gdm(8), attributes(7)

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source was  downloaded  from   http://www.freedesktop.org/software/Con-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit.

                                  12 Sep 2016                  ck-seat-tool(8)