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更新: 2022年7月27日

ibqueryerrors (8)


ibqueryerrors - query and report IB port counters


ibqueryerrors [options]


IBQUERYERRORS(8)              OpenIB Diagnostics              IBQUERYERRORS(8)

       IBQUERYERRORS - query and report IB port counters

       ibqueryerrors [options]

       The  default behavior is to report the port error counters which exceed
       a threshold for each port in the fabric.  The default threshold is zero
       (0).  Error fields can also be suppressed entirely.

       In  addition  to  reporting  errors  on  every port.  ibqueryerrors can
       report the port transmit and receive data as well as report  full  link
       information to the remote port if available.

       -s,  --suppress <err1,err2,...> Suppress the errors listed in the comma
       separated list provided.

       -c, --suppress-common Suppress some of the common "side  effect"  coun-
       ters.   These  counters  usually do not indicate an error condition and
       can be usually be safely ignored.

       -r, --report-port Report the  port  information.   This  includes  LID,
       port,  external  port (if applicable), link speed setting, remote GUID,
       remote port, remote external port  (if  applicable),  and  remote  node
       description information.

       --data Include the optional transmit and receive data counters.

       --threshold-file  <filename>  Specify an alternate threshold file.  The
       default is /etc/infiniband/infiniband-diags/error_thresholds

       --switch  print data for switch's only

       --ca  print data for CA's only

       --skip-sl  Use the default sl for queries. This is not recommended when
       using a QoS aware routing engine as it can cause a credit deadlock.

       --router  print data for routers only

       --clear-errors -k Clear error counters after read.

       --clear-counts -K Clear data counters after read.

       CAUTION  clearing  data  or  error counters will occur regardless of if
       they are printed or not.  See --counters and --data for details on con-
       troling which counters are printed.

       --details include receive error and transmit discard details

       --counters print data counters only

   Partial Scan flags
       The  node  to  start a partial scan can be specified with the following

       --port-guid, -G <port_guid>  Specify a port_guid

       -D, --Direct <dr_path>     The address specified is a directed route

             -D "0"          # self port
             -D "0,1,2,1,4"  # out via port 1, then 2, ...

             (Note the second number in the path specified must match the port being
             used.  This can be specified using the port selection flag '-P' or the
             port found through the automatic selection process.)

       Note: For switches results are printed for all ports  not  just  switch
       port 0.

       -S <port_guid> same as "-G". (provided only for backward compatibility)

   Cache File flags
       --load-cache  <filename>  Load  and  use  the cached ibnetdiscover data
       stored in the specified filename.  May be  useful  for  outputting  and
       learning about other fabrics or a previous state of a fabric.

   Port Selection flags
       -C, --Ca <ca_name>    use the specified ca_name.

       -P, --Port <ca_port>    use the specified ca_port.

   Local port Selection
       Multiple  port/Multiple CA support: when no IB device or port is speci-
       fied (see the "local umad parameters"  below),  the  libibumad  library
       selects the port to use by the following criteria:

          1. the first port that is ACTIVE.

          2. if not found, the first port that is UP (physical link up).

          If  a  port  and/or  CA  name  is  specified,  the libibumad library
          attempts to fulfill the user request, and will fail  if  it  is  not

          For example:

              ibaddr                 # use the first port (criteria #1 above)
              ibaddr -C mthca1       # pick the best port from "mthca1" only.
              ibaddr -P 2            # use the second (active/up) port from the first available IB device.
              ibaddr -C mthca0 -P 2  # use the specified port only.

   Configuration flags
       --config, -z  <config_file> Specify alternate config file.
          Default: /etc/infiniband/infiniband-diags/ibdiag.conf

       --outstanding_smps, -o <val>
              Specify  the  number of outstanding SMP's which should be issued
              during the scan

              Default: 2

       --node-name-map <node-name-map> Specify a node name map.
          This file maps GUIDs to more user friendly names.   See  FILES  sec-

       -t,  --timeout  <timeout_ms>  override  the  default  timeout  for  the
       solicited mads.

       -y, --m_key <key>
              use the specified M_key for requests. If non-numeric value (like
              'x') is specified then a value will be prompted for.

   Debugging flags
       -d     raise  the  IB debugging level.  May be used several times (-ddd
              or -d -d -d).

       -e     show send and receive errors (timeouts and others)

       -h, --help      show the usage message

       -v, --verbose
              increase the application verbosity level.  May be  used  several
              times (-vv or -v -v -v)

       -V, --version     show the version info.

       -R  (This option is obsolete and does nothing)

       -1 if scan fails.

       0 if scan succeeds without errors beyond thresholds

       1 if errors are found beyond thresholds or inconsistencies are found in
       check mode.


       Define threshold values for errors.  File format is simple  "name=val".
       Comments begin with '#'


          # Define thresholds for error counters


       A  global config file is provided to set some of the common options for
       all tools.  See supplied config file for details.

       The node name map is used to specify user friendly names for  nodes  in
       the output.  GUIDs are used to perform the lookup.

       This  functionality  is  provided  by  the  opensm-libs  package.   See
       opensm(8) for the file location for your installation.


          # comment
          <guid> "<name>"


          # IB1
          # Line cards
          0x0008f104003f125c "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 1   ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"
          0x0008f104003f125d "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 1   ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"
          0x0008f104003f10d2 "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 2   ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"
          0x0008f104003f10d3 "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 2   ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"
          0x0008f104003f10bf "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 12  ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"

          # Spines
          0x0008f10400400e2d "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 1   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"
          0x0008f10400400e2e "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 1   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"
          0x0008f10400400e2f "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 1   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"
          0x0008f10400400e31 "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 2   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"
          0x0008f10400400e32 "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 2   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"

          # GUID   Node Name
          0x0008f10400411a08 "SW1  (Rack  3) ISR9024 Voltaire 9024D"
          0x0008f10400411a28 "SW2  (Rack  3) ISR9024 Voltaire 9024D"
          0x0008f10400411a34 "SW3  (Rack  3) ISR9024 Voltaire 9024D"
          0x0008f104004119d0 "SW4  (Rack  3) ISR9024 Voltaire 9024D"

       Ira Weiny
              < ira.weiny@intel.com >

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | network/open-fabrics  |
       |Stability      | Pass-through volatile |

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source   was   downloaded   from    ['https://www.openfabrics.org/down-
       loads/ibutils/ibutils-1.5.7-0.2.gbd7e502.tar.gz', 'https://www.openfab-
       sdp-1.1.108-0.15.gd7fdb72.tar.gz',   'https://www.openfabrics.org/down-
       loads/management/infiniband-diags-1.6.5.tar.gz',  'https://www.openfab-
       mad-',    'https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/manage-
       ment/opensm-3.3.19.tar.gz',          'https://www.openfabrics.org/down-
       loads/perftest/perftest-1.3.0-0.42.gf350d3d.tar.gz', 'https://www.open-
       fabrics.org/downloads/qperf/qperf-0.4.9.tar.gz',  'https://www.openfab-
       rics.org/downloads/rdmacm/librdmacm-1.0.21.tar.gz',  'https://www.open-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.openfabrics.org/.
