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更新: 2022年7月27日

puppet (8)


puppet - puppet Usage: puppet subcommand [options] action [options] Available subcommands: Common: fig Interact with Puppet's settings. help Display Puppet help. lookup Interactive Hiera lookup module Creates, installs and searches for mod- ules on the Puppet Forge. resource The resource abstraction layer shell Specialized: catalog Compile, save, view, and convert catalogs. describe Display help about resource types device Manage remote network devices doc Gen- erate Puppet references epp Interact directly with the EPP template parser/renderer. facts Retrieve and store facts. filebucket Store and retrieve files in a filebucket generate Generates Puppet code from Ruby definitions. node View and manage node definitions. parser Interact directly with the parser. plugin Interact with the Puppet plugin sys- tem. script Run a puppet manifests as a script without compiling a cat- alog ssl Manage SSL keys and certificates for puppet SSL clients See 'puppet help subcommand action' for help on a specific subcommand action. See 'puppet help subcommand' for help on a specific subcommand. Puppet v6.26.0


Please see following description for synopsis


PUPPET(8)                        Puppet manual                       PUPPET(8)


       Usage: puppet subcommand [options] action [options]

       Available subcommands:

       agent The puppet agent daemon apply Apply Puppet manifests locally con-
       fig Interact with Puppet's settings. help Display Puppet  help.  lookup
       Interactive Hiera lookup module Creates, installs and searches for mod-
       ules on the Puppet Forge. resource The resource abstraction layer shell

       catalog Compile, save, view, and  convert  catalogs.  describe  Display
       help about resource types device Manage remote network devices doc Gen-
       erate Puppet references epp Interact directly  with  the  EPP  template
       parser/renderer.  facts  Retrieve and store facts. filebucket Store and
       retrieve files in a filebucket generate Generates Puppet code from Ruby
       definitions.  node  View  and  manage node definitions. parser Interact
       directly with the parser. plugin Interact with the Puppet  plugin  sys-
       tem. script Run a puppet manifests as a script without compiling a cat-
       alog ssl Manage SSL keys and certificates for puppet SSL clients

       See 'puppet help subcommand action' for help on a  specific  subcommand
       action. See 'puppet help subcommand' for help on a specific subcommand.
       Puppet v6.26.0

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | system/management/puppet |
       |Stability      | Volatile                 |

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source was downloaded from  https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet.

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://puppetlabs.com/.

Puppet, Inc.                     January 2022                        PUPPET(8)