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マニュアルページ セクション 8: システム管理コマンド


更新: 2022年7月27日

etraced (8)


etraced - end-to-end tracing daemon




etraced is a system daemon that provides the services required by the end-to-end tracing framework. The daemon should not be invoked directly. It is controlled through the following two smf service instances:


One instance of the server service must be running on one of the nodes. Each node being observed must run an instance of the client service. Each client is configured to point to the tracing server.

Debug messages (if enabled) and errors are directed to the SMF logs for the services.

The client service instance is in ONLINE state if it is currently connected to the configured server. The client service is changed to DEGRADED state if it cannot connect, or loses its connection, to the server. It is returned to ONLINE state if it can re-establish a connection with the server.

An authorized user can use the svccfg command to set the properties on these service instances. The supported properties are the listed below.

Common Properties

The following properties are common for both server and client instances of the service.


Boolean value indicating whether the daemon should be started in debug mode. Valid values are "true" or "false". The default value is "false".

Client-specific Properties


String value containing the rad URI to connect to the server service. There is no default value. The URI can be of the form ssh://[username@]servername or unix://.

By default, the username "_etraceuser" is used for connecting to the server. It is important to ensure that the root user on the client nodes is able to ssh as _etraceuser or the specified user. If specifying a different user than "_etraceuser", ensure that the specified user on the server has the required authorization. For more information, see the "Required Authorization and Security Model" section below.

Server-specific Properties


String value containing the rad URI template which will be used by the server to invoke rad APIs on client nodes. The template will be combined with the client address. By default, the server will use the template "ssh://_etraceuser@{client}", where {client} will be replaced by the client address. For more information about rad APIs, see the rad(8) man page.

If specifying a different user, ensure that the specified user on the server has the required authorization. For more information, see the "Required Authorization and Security Model" section below.


Maximum number of per-user sessions allowed.


Maximum number of deleted sessions remembered for each user. When the maximum limit is reached, the older deleted sessions will be forgotten permanently. Note that the deleted sessions will be remembered until the server node is rebooted, or the server service instance is restarted.


Integer value indicating the number of server threads used to process incoming event reports.

Required Authorization and Security Model

The user must have solaris.smf.manage.etrace-client and solaris.smf.value.etrace-client authorizations to manage and set properties values for the client service instance.

Alternatively, the user can be assigned the RBAC profile "End-to-End Tracing Management" which includes the above authorizations.

The user specified as part of the config/server-uri property of the client service must have the solaris.system.etrace.event_reports authorization. This authorization is already added by default to _etraceuser.

The user specified as part of the config/client-uri-template property of the server service must have the solaris.system.etrace.provider authorization. This authorization is already added by default to _etraceuser.


The daemon has no options.

使用例 1 Configuring the Location of the Server From Tracing Clients

The following example shows how to configure one of the tracing clients to point to the tracing server with host name "etraceserver.example.com". The default user, _etraceuser, will be used on the server.

# svccfg -s system/etrace:client setprop config/server-uri = \
astring: "ssh://etraceserver.example.com"
# svccfg -s system/etrace:client refresh
使用例 2 Specifying the Server and Non-default User

The following example is similar to Example 1, but in addition specifies the non-default user "myuser".

# svccfg -s system/etrace:client setprop config/server-uri = \
astring: "ssh://myuser@etraceserver.example.com"
# svccfg -s system/etrace:client refresh


See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability


svccfg(8), smf(7), rad(8)