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更新: 2022年7月27日

named-checkzone (8)


named-checkzone - zone file validity checking or converting tool


named-checkzone  [-d]  [-h]  [-j]  [-q] [-v] [-c class] [-f format] [-F
format] [-J filename] [-i mode] [-k mode] [-m mode] [-M mode] [-n mode]
[-l  ttl]  [-L serial] [-o filename] [-r mode] [-s style] [-S mode] [-t
directory] [-T mode] [-w directory] [-D] [-W  mode]  {zonename}  {file-


NAMED-CHECKZONE(8)                  BIND 9                  NAMED-CHECKZONE(8)

       named-checkzone - zone file validity checking or converting tool

       named-checkzone  [-d]  [-h]  [-j]  [-q] [-v] [-c class] [-f format] [-F
       format] [-J filename] [-i mode] [-k mode] [-m mode] [-M mode] [-n mode]
       [-l  ttl]  [-L serial] [-o filename] [-r mode] [-s style] [-S mode] [-t
       directory] [-T mode] [-w directory] [-D] [-W  mode]  {zonename}  {file-

       named-checkzone checks the syntax and integrity of a zone file. It per-
       forms the same checks as named does when loading  a  zone.  This  makes
       named-checkzone  useful for checking zone files before configuring them
       into a name server.

       -d     This option enables debugging.

       -h     This option prints the usage summary and exits.

       -q     This option sets quiet mode, which only sets  an  exit  code  to
              indicate successful or failed completion.

       -v     This  option  prints  the version of the named-checkzone program
              and exits.

       -j     When loading a zone file, this option tells named  to  read  the
              journal if it exists. The journal file name is assumed to be the
              zone file name with the string .jnl appended.

       -J filename
              When loading the zone file, this option tells named to read  the
              journal from the given file, if it exists. This implies -j.

       -c class
              This  option  specifies the class of the zone. If not specified,
              IN is assumed.

       -i mode
              This option performs post-load zone integrity  checks.  Possible
              modes  are  full  (the default), full-sibling, local, local-sib-
              ling, and none.

              Mode full checks that MX records refer  to  A  or  AAAA  records
              (both in-zone and out-of-zone hostnames). Mode local only checks
              MX records which refer to in-zone hostnames.

              Mode full checks that SRV records refer to  A  or  AAAA  records
              (both in-zone and out-of-zone hostnames). Mode local only checks
              SRV records which refer to in-zone hostnames.

              Mode full checks that delegation NS records refer to A  or  AAAA
              records (both in-zone and out-of-zone hostnames). It also checks
              that glue address records in the zone match those advertised  by
              the  child.   Mode  local  only checks NS records which refer to
              in-zone hostnames or verifies that some  required  glue  exists,
              i.e., when the name server is in a child zone.

              Modes   full-sibling  and  local-sibling  disable  sibling  glue
              checks, but are otherwise the same as full  and  local,  respec-

              Mode none disables the checks.

       -f format
              This option specifies the format of the zone file. Possible for-
              mats are text (the default), raw, and map.

       -F format
              This option specifies the format of the output  file  specified.
              For  named-checkzone,  this  does  not have any effect unless it
              dumps the zone contents.

              Possible formats are text (the default), which is  the  standard
              textual  representation  of  the  zone, and map, raw, and raw=N,
              which store the zone in a binary format  for  rapid  loading  by
              named.  raw=N specifies the format version of the raw zone file:
              if N is 0, the raw file can be read by any version of named;  if
              N  is  1,  the file can only be read by release 9.9.0 or higher.
              The default is 1.

       -k mode
              This option performs check-names checks with the specified fail-
              ure  mode.   Possible  modes  are  fail, warn (the default), and

       -l ttl This option sets a maximum permissible TTL for the  input  file.
              Any  record with a TTL higher than this value causes the zone to
              be rejected. This is similar to using the max-zone-ttl option in

       -L serial
              When compiling a zone to raw or map format, this option sets the
              "source serial" value in the header to the specified serial num-
              ber. This is expected to be used primarily for testing purposes.

       -m mode
              This  option  specifies  whether MX records should be checked to
              see if they are addresses. Possible modes are  fail,  warn  (the
              default), and ignore.

       -M mode
              This option checks whether a MX record refers to a CNAME. Possi-
              ble modes are fail, warn (the default), and ignore.

       -n mode
              This option specifies whether NS records should  be  checked  to
              see  if  they  are addresses. Possible modes are fail, warn (the
              default), and ignore.

       -o filename
              This option writes the zone output to filename. If  filename  is
              -, then the zone output is written to standard output.

       -r mode
              This  option checks for records that are treated as different by
              DNSSEC but are semantically equal in plain DNS.  Possible  modes
              are fail, warn (the default), and ignore.

       -s style
              This  option specifies the style of the dumped zone file. Possi-
              ble styles are full (the default) and relative. The full  format
              is  most  suitable  for  processing  automatically by a separate
              script.  The relative format is more human-readable and is  thus
              suitable  for  editing  by  hand.  This does not have any effect
              unless it dumps the zone contents. It also  does  not  have  any
              meaning if the output format is not text.

       -S mode
              This option checks whether an SRV record refers to a CNAME. Pos-
              sible modes are fail, warn (the default), and ignore.

       -t directory
              This option tells named to chroot to directory, so that  include
              directives  in the configuration file are processed as if run by
              a similarly chrooted named.

       -T mode
              This option checks whether Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records
              exist and issues a warning if an SPF-formatted TXT record is not
              also present. Possible modes are warn (the default) and ignore.

       -w directory
              This option instructs named to chdir to directory, so that rela-
              tive  filenames in master file $INCLUDE directives work. This is
              similar to the directory clause in named.conf.

       -D     This option dumps the zone file in canonical format.

       -W mode
              This option specifies whether to check  for  non-terminal  wild-
              cards.  Non-terminal wildcards are almost always the result of a
              failure to  understand  the  wildcard  matching  algorithm  (RFC
              4592). Possible modes are warn (the default) and ignore.

              This indicates the domain name of the zone being checked.

              This is the name of the zone file.

       named-checkzone returns an exit status of 1 if errors were detected and
       0 otherwise.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | network/dns/bind         |
       |Stability      | Pass-through uncommitted |

       named(8), named-checkconf(8), named-compilezone(8), RFC  1035,  BIND  9
       Administrator Reference Manual.

       Internet Systems Consortium

       2022, Internet Systems Consortium

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source                was                downloaded                from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.isc.org/software/bind/.

9.16.29                           2022-05-10                NAMED-CHECKZONE(8)