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マニュアルページ セクション 8: システム管理コマンド


更新: 2022年7月27日

smrsh (8)


smrsh - restricted shell for sendmail


smrsh -c command


System Administration Commands                                        smrsh(8)

       smrsh - restricted shell for sendmail

       smrsh -c command

       The  smrsh  program  is intended as a replacement for the sh command in
       the prog mailer in sendmail(8) configuration files. The  smrsh  program
       sharply  limits  commands  that can be run using the |program syntax of
       sendmail. This improves overall system security. smrsh limits  the  set
       of programs that a programmer can execute, even if sendmail runs a pro-
       gram without going through an alias or forward file.

       Briefly, smrsh limits programs to be in the directory  /var/adm/sm.bin,
       allowing  system  administrators  to  choose the set of acceptable com-
       mands. It also rejects any commands with the characters: ,, <, >, |, ;,
       &,  $,  \r (RETURN), or \n (NEWLINE) on the command line to prevent end
       run attacks.

       Initial  pathnames  on  programs  are  stripped,   so   forwarding   to
       /usr/bin/vacation,  /home/server/mydir/bin/vacation,  and  vacation all
       actually forward to /var/adm/sm.bin/vacation.

       System  administrators  should   be   conservative   about   populating
       /var/adm/sm.bin. Reasonable additions are utilities such as vacation(1)
       and procmail. Never include any shell or shell-like program (for  exam-
       ple,  perl)  in the sm.bin directory. This does not restrict the use of
       shell or perl scrips in the sm.bin directory (using the #! syntax);  it
       simply disallows the execution of arbitrary programs.

       The following options are supported:

       -c command    Where command is a valid command, executes command.

       /var/adm/sm.bin    directory for restricted programs

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |      ATTRIBUTE TYPE         |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE        |
       |Availability                 |service/network/smtp/sendmail |

       attributes(7), sendmail(8)

Solaris 11.4                      8 Mar 2016                          smrsh(8)