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更新: 2022年7月27日

puppet-lookup (8)


puppet-lookup - Interactive Hiera lookup


Does Hiera lookups from the command line.

Since this command needs access to your Hiera data, make sure to run it
on a node that has a copy of that data. This usually means logging into
a Puppet Server node and running 'puppet lookup' with sudo.

The most common version of this command is:

'puppet lookup KEY --node NAME --environment ENV --explain'


PUPPET-LOOKUP(8)                 Puppet manual                PUPPET-LOOKUP(8)

       puppet-lookup - Interactive Hiera lookup

       Does Hiera lookups from the command line.

       Since this command needs access to your Hiera data, make sure to run it
       on a node that has a copy of that data. This usually means logging into
       a Puppet Server node and running 'puppet lookup' with sudo.

       The most common version of this command is:

       'puppet lookup KEY --node NAME --environment ENV --explain'

       puppet     lookup     [--help]     [--type     TYPESTRING]     [--merge
       first|unique|hash|deep]       [--knock-out-prefix        PREFIX-STRING]
       [--sort-merged-arrays] [--merge-hash-arrays] [--explain] [--environment
       ENV] [--default VALUE] [--node NODE-NAME]  [--facts  FILE]  [--compile]
       [--render-as s|json|yaml|binary|msgpack] keys

       The  lookup  command  is  a  CLI  for  Puppet's 'lookup()' function. It
       searches your Hiera data and returns a value for the  requested  lookup
       key,  so you can test and explore your data. It is a modern replacement
       for the 'hiera' command. Lookup uses the setting for global  hiera.yaml
       from puppet's config, and the environment to find the environment level
       hiera.yaml as well as the resulting modulepath for the environment (for
       hiera.yaml files in modules). Hiera usually relies on a node's facts to
       locate the relevant data sources.  By  default,  'puppet  lookup'  uses
       facts  from  the  node you run the command on, but you can get data for
       any other node with the '--node NAME' option. If possible,  the  lookup
       command  will use the requested node's real stored facts from PuppetDB;
       if PuppetDB isn't configured or you want to provide arbitrary fact val-
       ues,  you can pass alternate facts as a JSON or YAML file with '--facts

       If you're debugging your Hiera data and want to see  where  values  are
       coming from, use the '--explain' option.

       If  '--explain'  isn't  specified,  lookup  exits with 0 if a value was
       found and 1 otherwise. With '--explain', lookup  always  exits  with  0
       unless there is a major error.

       You  can  provide  multiple  lookup  keys  to this command, but it only
       returns a value for the first found key, omitting the rest.

       For more details about how Hiera works, see  the  Hiera  documentation:

       o   --help: Print this help message.

       o   --explain  Explain  the details of how the lookup was performed and
           where the final value came from (or the reason no value was found).

       o   --node NODE-NAME Specify which node to look up data  for;  defaults
           to  the  node where the command is run. Since Hiera's purpose is to
           provide different values for  different  nodes  (usually  based  on
           their facts), you'll usually want to use some specific node's facts
           to explore your data. If the node where you're running this command
           is  configured  to  talk  to  PuppetDB,  the  command  will use the
           requested node's most recent facts.  Otherwise,  you  can  override
           facts with the '--facts' option.

       o   --facts FILE Specify a .json or .yaml file of key => value mappings
           to override the facts for this lookup. Any facts not  specified  in
           this file maintain their original value.

       o   --environment  ENV  Like with most Puppet commands, you can specify
           an environment on the command line. This is  important  for  lookup
           because  different environments can have different Hiera data. This
           environment will be always be the one used regardless of any  other

       o   --merge  first|unique|hash|deep:  Specify the merge behavior, over-
           riding any merge behavior from the data's  lookup_options.  'first'
           returns  the  first  value  found. 'unique' appends everything to a
           merged, deduplicated array. 'hash' performs a simple hash merge  by
           overwriting  keys  of lower lookup priority. 'deep' performs a deep
           merge on values of  Array  and  Hash  type.  There  are  additional
           options that can be used with 'deep'.

       o   --knock-out-prefix  PREFIX-STRING Can be used with the 'deep' merge
           strategy. Specifies a prefix to indicate a value should be  removed
           from the final result.

       o   --sort-merged-arrays  Can  be  used with the 'deep' merge strategy.
           When this flag is used, all merged arrays are sorted.

       o   --merge-hash-arrays Can be used with  the  'deep'  merge  strategy.
           When  this  flag is used, hashes WITHIN arrays are deep-merged with
           their counterparts by position.

       o   --explain-options Explain whether  a  lookup_options  hash  affects
           this  lookup,  and  how that hash was assembled. (lookup_options is
           how Hiera configures merge behavior in data.)

       o   --default VALUE A value to return if Hiera can't find  a  value  in
           data. For emulating calls to the 'lookup()' function that include a

       o   --type TYPESTRING: Assert that the value has  the  specified  type.
           For  emulating calls to the 'lookup()' function that include a data

       o   --compile Perform a full catalog compilation prior to  the  lookup.
           If  your  hierarchy  and  data  only  use the $facts, $trusted, and
           $server_facts variables, you don't need this  option;  however,  if
           your  Hiera  configuration uses arbitrary variables set by a Puppet
           manifest, you might need this option to get accurate data. No cata-
           log compilation takes place unless this flag is given.

       o   --render-as s|json|yaml|binary|msgpack Specify the output format of
           the results; "s" means plain text. The  default  when  producing  a
           value is yaml and the default when producing an explanation is s.

       To  look  up  'key_name' using the Puppet Server node's facts: $ puppet
       lookup key_name

       To look up 'key_name' using the Puppet Server  node's  arbitrary  vari-
       ables  from  a  manifest, and classify the node if applicable: $ puppet
       lookup key_name --compile

       To look up 'key_name' using the Puppet Server node's facts,  overridden
       by   facts   given   in  a  file:  $  puppet  lookup  key_name  --facts

       To look up 'key_name' with agent.local's facts: $ puppet lookup  --node
       agent.local key_name

       To get the first value found for 'key_name_one' and 'key_name_two' with
       agent.local's facts while merging values and knocking  out  the  prefix
       'foo'  while  merging:  $ puppet lookup --node agent.local --merge deep
       --knock-out-prefix foo key_name_one key_name_two

       To lookup 'key_name' with agent.local's facts,  and  return  a  default
       value of 'bar' if nothing was found: $ puppet lookup --node agent.local
       --default bar key_name

       To see an explanation of how the value for 'key_name' would  be  found,
       using agent.local's facts: $ puppet lookup --node agent.local --explain

       Copyright (c) 2015 Puppet Inc.,  LLC  Licensed  under  the  Apache  2.0

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | system/management/puppet |
       |Stability      | Volatile                 |

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source was downloaded from  https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet.

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://puppetlabs.com/.

Puppet, Inc.                     January 2022                 PUPPET-LOOKUP(8)