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マニュアルページ セクション 8: システム管理コマンド


更新: 2022年7月27日

puppet-node (8)


puppet-node - View and manage node definitions.


puppet node action [--terminus _TERMINUS]


PUPPET-NODE(8)                   Puppet manual                  PUPPET-NODE(8)

       puppet-node - View and manage node definitions.

       puppet node action [--terminus _TERMINUS]

       This  subcommand  interacts with node objects, which are used by Puppet
       to build a catalog. A node object consists of the node's  facts,  envi-
       ronment,  node  parameters  (exposed  in  the parser as top-scope vari-
       ables), and classes.

       Note that any setting that's valid in the configuration file is also  a
       valid  long  argument,  although  it  may or may not be relevant to the
       present action. For example, server and run_mode are valid settings, so
       you  can  specify  --server <servername>, or --run_mode <runmode> as an

       See   the   configuration   file    documentation    at    https://pup-
       pet.com/docs/puppet/latest/configuration.html  for  the  full  list  of
       acceptable parameters. A commented list of  all  configuration  options
       can also be generated by running puppet with --genconfig.

       --render-as FORMAT
              The  format  in  which to render output. The most common formats
              are json, s (string), yaml, and console, but other options  such
              as dot are sometimes available.

              Whether to log verbosely.

              Whether to log debug information.

       --extra HASH
              A  terminus  can  take additional arguments to refine the opera-
              tion, which are passed as an arbitrary  hash  to  the  back-end.
              Anything  passed  as  the extra value is just send direct to the

       --terminus _TERMINUS
              Indirector faces expose indirected subsystems of  Puppet.  These
              subsystems  are  each able to retrieve and alter a specific type
              of data (with the familiar actions of find,  search,  save,  and
              destroy) from an arbitrary number of pluggable backends. In Pup-
              pet parlance, these backends are called terminuses.

              Almost all indirected  subsystems  have  a  rest  terminus  that
              interacts with the puppet master's data. Most of them have addi-
              tional terminuses for various local data models,  which  are  in
              turn used by the indirected subsystem on the puppet master when-
              ever it receives a remote request.

              The terminus for an action is often determined by  context,  but
              occasionally needs to be set explicitly. See the "Notes" section
              of this face's manpage for more details.

       clean - Clean up signed certs, cached facts, node objects, and  reports
       for a node stored by the puppetmaster

              puppet node clean [--terminus _TERMINUS] host1 [host2 ...]


              Cleans  up the following information a puppet master knows about
              a node:

              Signed certificates - ($vardir/ssl/ca/signed/node.domain.pem)

              Cached facts - ($vardir/yaml/facts/node.domain.yaml)

              Cached node objects - ($vardir/yaml/node/node.domain.yaml)

              Reports - ($vardir/reports/node.domain)

              NOTE: this action now cleans up certs  via  Puppet  Server's  CA
              API. A running server is required for certs to be cleaned.

       find - Retrieve a node object.

              puppet node find [--terminus _TERMINUS] host


              Retrieve a node object.


              A  hash  containing the node's classes, environment, expiration,
              name, parameters (its facts, combined with any  ENC-set  parame-
              ters),  and  time.  When  used from the Ruby API: a Puppet::Node

              RENDERING ISSUES: Rendering as string  and  json  are  currently
              broken; node objects can only be rendered as yaml.

       info - Print the default terminus class for this face.

              puppet node info [--terminus _TERMINUS]


              Prints the default terminus class for this subcommand. Note that
              different run modes may have different default termini; when  in
              doubt, specify the run mode with the '--run_mode' option.


       Retrieve  an  "empty"  (no  classes,  no ENC-imposed parameters, and an
       environment of "production") node:

       $ puppet node find somenode.puppetlabs.lan --terminus plain --render-as

       Retrieve a node using the Puppet Server's configured ENC:

       $  puppet  node find somenode.puppetlabs.lan --terminus exec --run_mode
       server --render-as yaml

       Retrieve the same node from the Puppet Server:

       $ puppet node find somenode.puppetlabs.lan --terminus rest  --render-as

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | system/management/puppet |
       |Stability      | Volatile                 |

       This  subcommand  is  an  indirector  face, which exposes find, search,
       save, and destroy actions for an indirected subsystem of Puppet.  Valid
       termini for this face include:

       o   exec

       o   json

       o   memory

       o   msgpack

       o   plain

       o   rest

       o   store_configs

       o   yaml

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source was downloaded from  https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet.

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://puppetlabs.com/.

       Copyright 2011 by Puppet Inc. Apache 2 license; see COPYING

Puppet, Inc.                     January 2022                   PUPPET-NODE(8)