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更新: 2022年7月27日

dnssec-importkey (8)


dnssec-importkey - import DNSKEY records from external systems so they can be managed


dnssec-importkey [-K directory] [-L  ttl]  [-P  date/offset]  [-P  sync
date/offset]  [-D  date/offset]  [-D  sync date/offset] [-h] [-v level]
[-V] {keyfile}

dnssec-importkey {-f filename} [-K directory] [-L ttl] [-P date/offset]
[-P  sync  date/offset] [-D date/offset] [-D sync date/offset] [-h] [-v
level] [-V] [dnsname]


DNSSEC-IMPORTKEY(8)                 BIND 9                 DNSSEC-IMPORTKEY(8)

       dnssec-importkey  - import DNSKEY records from external systems so they
       can be managed

       dnssec-importkey [-K directory] [-L  ttl]  [-P  date/offset]  [-P  sync
       date/offset]  [-D  date/offset]  [-D  sync date/offset] [-h] [-v level]
       [-V] {keyfile}

       dnssec-importkey {-f filename} [-K directory] [-L ttl] [-P date/offset]
       [-P  sync  date/offset] [-D date/offset] [-D sync date/offset] [-h] [-v
       level] [-V] [dnsname]

       dnssec-importkey reads a public DNSKEY record and generates a  pair  of
       .key/.private  files.  The  DNSKEY  record may be read from an existing
       .key file, in which case a corresponding .private file is generated, or
       it may be read from any other file or from the standard input, in which
       case both .key and .private files are generated.

       The newly created .private file does not contain private key data,  and
       cannot  be  used  for signing. However, having a .private file makes it
       possible to set publication (-P) and deletion (-D) times for  the  key,
       which  means the public key can be added to and removed from the DNSKEY
       RRset on schedule even if the true private key is stored offline.

       -f filename
              This option indicates the zone file mode. Instead  of  a  public
              keyfile name, the argument is the DNS domain name of a zone mas-
              ter file, which can be read from filename. If the domain name is
              the same as filename, then it may be omitted.

              If  filename  is set to "-", then the zone data is read from the
              standard input.

       -K directory
              This option sets the directory in which the  key  files  are  to

       -L ttl This  option sets the default TTL to use for this key when it is
              converted into a DNSKEY RR. This is the TTL used when the key is
              imported into a zone, unless there was already a DNSKEY RRset in
              place, in which case the existing TTL takes precedence.  Setting
              the default TTL to 0 or none removes it from the key.

       -h     This option emits a usage message and exits.

       -v level
              This option sets the debugging level.

       -V     This option prints version information.

       Dates can be expressed in the format YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. If the
       argument begins with a + or -, it is interpreted as an offset from  the
       present  time. For convenience, if such an offset is followed by one of
       the suffixes y, mo, w, d, h, or mi, then  the  offset  is  computed  in
       years  (defined  as  365  24-hour  days,  ignoring  leap years), months
       (defined as 30 24-hour days), weeks, days, hours, or  minutes,  respec-
       tively. Without a suffix, the offset is computed in seconds. To explic-
       itly prevent a date from being set, use none or never.

       -P date/offset
              This option sets the date on which a key is to be  published  to
              the  zone.  After that date, the key is included in the zone but
              is not used to sign it.

       -P sync date/offset
              This option sets the date on which CDS and CDNSKEY records  that
              match this key are to be published to the zone.

       -D date/offset
              This  option  sets  the  date on which the key is to be deleted.
              After that date, the key is no  longer  included  in  the  zone.
              (However, it may remain in the key repository.)

       -D sync date/offset
              This  option  sets the date on which the CDS and CDNSKEY records
              that match this key are to be deleted.

       A keyfile can be designed by the key identification Knnnn.+aaa+iiiii or
       the full file name Knnnn.+aaa+iiiii.key, as generated by dnssec-keygen.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | network/dns/bind         |
       |Stability      | Pass-through uncommitted |

       dnssec-keygen(8),  dnssec-signzone(8),  BIND  9 Administrator Reference
       Manual, RFC 5011.

       Internet Systems Consortium

       2022, Internet Systems Consortium

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source                was                downloaded                from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.isc.org/software/bind/.

9.16.29                           2022-05-10               DNSSEC-IMPORTKEY(8)