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更新: 2022年7月27日

cups-genppdupdate (8)


cups-genppdupdate - update CUPS+Gutenprint PPD files


cups-genppdupdate  [-h] [-n] [-N] [-q | -v] [-s ppd-directory] [-s out-
put-directory] [PPD-FILES or QUEUES...]


CUPS-GENPPDUPDATE(8)        Gutenprint Manual Pages       CUPS-GENPPDUPDATE(8)

       cups-genppdupdate - update CUPS+Gutenprint PPD files

       cups-genppdupdate  [-h] [-n] [-N] [-q | -v] [-s ppd-directory] [-s out-
       put-directory] [PPD-FILES or QUEUES...]

       cups-genppdupdate regenerates the Gutenprint PPD files in use by  CUPS,
       using  the  PPD  files  under  /usr/share/cups/model/gutenprint as tem-
       plates.   The  new  PPD  file  replaces  the   old   PPD   file   under
       /etc/cups/ppd,  but  all  the options set in the old PPD will be merged
       into the new PPD, provided that they are still valid in the new file.

       If no files or queue names are specified, cups-genppdupdate updates all
       Gutenprint  PPD  files  in /etc/cups/ppd.  Otherwise, cups-genppdupdate
       updates all files or queues listed on the command line.

       cups-genppdupdate does not update PPD files from Gimp-Print 4.2 or ear-

       cups-genppdupdate  does  not  restart  cupsd.  cupsd will need manually
       reloading (or send SIGHUP) once cups-genppdupdate has completed.

       -h     Show a help message.

       -n     No action.  The program will run, but the old PPD files will not
              be replaced.

       -q     Quiet mode.  No messages will be issued, apart from errors.

       -v     Verbose  mode.   More informative messages will be issued.  Note
              that extremely verbose  output  may  be  turned  on  by  setting
              $debug=1  in  the  source, but this output will not be of use to
              the average user.

       -s ppd-directory
              Use ppd-directory as the base directory to read PPD files  from.
              By  default,  the base directory is /usr/share/cups/model/guten-
              print.  Under this directory, the PPD files are located in  sub-
              directories according to language code and territory.

       -o output-directory
              Place  updated  PPD files in output-directory.  By default, this
              is the same as the input directory.

       -N     Reset all options to their defaults (do not merge  options  from
              the current PPD file)

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | print/filter/gutenprint |
       |Stability      | Volatile                |

       cups-genppd(8), cups-genppdconfig(8), CUPS Software Administrators Man-
       ual, http://localhost:631/documentation.html

       Copyright (C)  2002-2006 Roger  Leigh  (rleigh@debian.org)  and  Robert
       Krawitz (rlk@alum.mit.edu)

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,  as  pub-
       lished by the Free Software Foundation.

       This manual page was written by Roger Leigh (rleigh@debian.org).

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source   was  downloaded  from   https://sourceforge.net/projects/gimp-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/.

Version 5.3.4                     06 Dec 2020             CUPS-GENPPDUPDATE(8)