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sg_inq (8)


sg_inq - issue SCSI INQUIRY command and/or decode its response


sg_inq   [--ata]  [--block=0|1]  [--cmddt]  [--descriptors]  [--export]
[--extended] [--force] [--help] [--hex] [--id] [--inhex=FN] [--len=LEN]
[--long] [--maxlen=LEN] [--only] [--page=PG] [--raw] [--vendor] [--ver-
bose] [--version] [--vpd] DEVICE

sg_inq [-36] [-a] [-A] [-b] [--B=0|1] [-c] [-cl] [-d]  [-e]  [-f]  [-h]
[-H]  [-i]  [-I=FN]  [-l=LEN] [-L] [-m] [-M] [-o] [-p=VPD_PG] [-P] [-r]
[-s] [-u] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-36] [-?] DEVICE


SG_INQ(8)                          SG3_UTILS                         SG_INQ(8)

       sg_inq - issue SCSI INQUIRY command and/or decode its response

       sg_inq   [--ata]  [--block=0|1]  [--cmddt]  [--descriptors]  [--export]
       [--extended] [--force] [--help] [--hex] [--id] [--inhex=FN] [--len=LEN]
       [--long] [--maxlen=LEN] [--only] [--page=PG] [--raw] [--vendor] [--ver-
       bose] [--version] [--vpd] DEVICE

       sg_inq [-36] [-a] [-A] [-b] [--B=0|1] [-c] [-cl] [-d]  [-e]  [-f]  [-h]
       [-H]  [-i]  [-I=FN]  [-l=LEN] [-L] [-m] [-M] [-o] [-p=VPD_PG] [-P] [-r]
       [-s] [-u] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-36] [-?] DEVICE

       This utility, when DEVICE is given, sends a SCSI INQUIRY command to  it
       then  outputs  the response. All SCSI devices are meant to respond to a
       "standard" INQUIRY command with at least a 36 byte response (in SCSI  2
       and  higher). An INQUIRY is termed as "standard" when both the EVPD and
       CmdDt (now obsolete) bits are clear.

       Alternatively the --inhex=FN option can be given. In this  case  FN  is
       assumed  to be a file name ('-' for stdin) containing ASCII hexadecimal
       representing an INQUIRY response.

       This utility supports two command line syntaxes. The preferred  one  is
       shown  first  in the synopsis and is described in the main OPTIONS sec-
       tion. A later section titled OLDER COMMAND LINE OPTIONS  describes  the
       second group of options.

       An  important  "non-standard" INQUIRY page is the Device Identification
       Vital Product Data (VPD) page [0x83]. Since  SPC-3,  support  for  this
       page  is  mandatory.  The  --id  option decodes this page. New VPD page
       information is no longer being added to this utility. To  get  informa-
       tion on new VPD pages see the sg_vpd(8) or sdparm(8) utilities.

       In Linux, if the DEVICE exists and the SCSI INQUIRY fails (e.g. because
       the SG_IO ioctl is not supported) then an ATA IDENTIFY (PACKET)  DEVICE
       is tried. If it succeeds then device identification strings are output.
       The --raw and --hex options can be used to manipulate the  output.   If
       the  --ata  option  is given then the SCSI INQUIRY is not performed and
       the DEVICE is assumed to be ATA (or ATAPI). For  more  information  see
       the ATA DEVICES section below.

       In  some operating systems a NVMe device (e.g. SSD) may be given as the
       DEVICE. For more information see the NVME DEVICES section below.

       The reference document used for  interpreting  an  INQUIRY  is  T10/BSR
       INCITS  502  Revision  19 which is draft SPC-5 revision 19, 14 February
       2018). It can be found at http://www.t10.org .  Obsolete  and  reserved
       items  in  the standard INQUIRY response output are displayed in square

       Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as well.  The
       options  are  arranged  in  alphabetical order based on the long option

       -a, --ata
              Assume given DEVICE is an ATA or ATAPI device which can  receive
              ATA  commands  from  the  host  operating  system. Skip the SCSI
              INQUIRY command and use either the ATA IDENTIFY  DEVICE  command
              (for  non-packet devices) or the ATA IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE com-
              mand. To show the response in hex,  add  a  '--verbose'  option.
              This option is only available in Linux.

       -B, --block=0|1
              this  option  controls  how  the  file  handle  to the DEVICE is
              opened. If this argument is 0 then the open is non-blocking.  If
              the  argument  is  1  then  the  open  is  blocking.  In  Unix a
              non-blocking open is indicated by  a  O_NONBLOCK  flag  while  a
              blocking  open  is  indicated  by  the absence of that flag. The
              default value depends on the operating system and  the  type  of
              DEVICE  node. For Linux pass-throughs (i.e. the sg and bsg driv-
              ers) the default is 0.

       -c, --cmddt
              set the Command Support Data (CmdDt) bit (defaults to clear(0)).
              Used in conjunction with the --page=PG option where PG specifies
              the SCSI command opcode to query. When used twice  (e.g.  '-cc')
              this  utility forms a list by looping over all 256 opcodes (0 to
              255 inclusive) only outputting a  line  for  commands  that  are
              found.  The  CmdDt  bit is now obsolete; it has been replaced by
              the  REPORT  SUPPORTED  OPERATION   CODES   command,   see   the
              sg_opcodes(8) utility.

       -d, --descriptors
              decodes  and  prints the version descriptors found in a standard
              INQUIRY response. There are up to 8 of them. Version descriptors
              indicate  which  versions  of standards and/or drafts the DEVICE
              complies with. The normal components of a standard  INQUIRY  are
              output  (typically from the first 36 bytes of the response) fol-
              lowed by the version descriptors if any.

       -e     see entry below for --vpd.

       -f, --force
              As a sanity check, the normal action  when  fetching  VPD  pages
              other  than page 0x0 (the "Supported VPD pages" VPD page), is to
              first fetch page 0x0 and only if the requested page  is  one  of
              the supported pages, to go ahead and fetch the requested page.
              When  this option is given, skip checking of VPD page 0x0 before
              accessing the requested VPD page. The prior check  of  VPD  page
              0x0 is known to crash certain USB devices, so use with care.

       -u, --export
              prints  out information obtained from the device. The output can
              be modified by selecting a VPD page with PG (from --page=PG). If
              the  device  identification VPD page 0x83 is given it prints out
              information in the form: "SCSI_IDENT_<assoc>_<type>=<ident>"  to
              stdout.  If  the  device serial number VPD page 0x80 is given it
              prints out information in the form: "SCSI_SERIAL=<ident>". Other
              VPD  pages  are not supported. If no VPD page is given it prints
              out   information   in   the    form:    "SCSI_VENDOR=<vendor>",
              "SCSI_MODEL=<model>",  and "SCSI_REVISION=<rev>", taken from the
              standard inquiry. This may be useful for tools like  udev(7)  in

       -E, -x, --extended
              prints the extended INQUIRY VPD page [0x86].

       -h, --help
              print  out  the  usage message then exit. When used twice, after
              the usage message, there is a list  of  available  abbreviations
              than can be given to the --page=PG option.

       -H, --hex
              rather  than  decode  a standard INQUIRY response, a VPD page or
              command support data; print out the response in hex and send the
              output  to  stdout.   Error  messages and warnings are typically
              output to stderr. When used twice with the ATA  Information  VPD
              page  [0x89]  decodes the start of the response then outputs the
              ATA IDENTIFY (PACKET) DEVICE response in hexadecimal bytes  (not
              16  bit  words).  When used three times with the ATA Information
              VPD page [0x89] or the --ata option, this  utility  outputs  the
              ATA IDENTIFY (PACKET) DEVICE response in hexadecimal words suit-
              able for input to 'hdparm --Istdin'.  See note below.
              To generate output suitable for placing in a file  that  can  be
              used  by  a later invocation with the --inhex=FN option, use the
              '-HHHH'  option  (e.g.  'sg_inq   -p   di   -HHHH   /dev/sg3   >

       -i, --id
              prints the device identification VPD page [0x83].

       -I, --inhex=FN
              FN  is  expected to be a file name (or '-' for stdin) which con-
              tains  ASCII  hexadecimal  or  binary  representing  an  INQUIRY
              (including  VPD  page)  response.  This utility will then decode
              that response. It is preferable to  also  supply  the  --page=PG
              option, if not this utility will attempt to guess which VPD page
              (or standard INQUIRY) that the response is associated with.  The
              hexadecimal  should  be arranged as 1 or 2 digits representing a
              byte each of which is whitespace or  comma  separated.  Anything
              from  and including a hash mark to the end of a line is ignored.
              If the --raw option is also given then FN is treated as binary.

       -l, --len=LEN
              the number LEN is the "allocation length" field in  the  INQUIRY
              cdb.   This  is the (maximum) length of the response returned by
              the device. The default value of LEN is 0 which  is  interpreted
              as:  first  request  is  for  36  bytes and if necessary execute
              another INQUIRY if the "additional length" field in the response
              indicates that more than 36 bytes is available.
              If  LEN  is greater than 0 then only one INQUIRY command is per-
              formed.  This means that the Serial Number  (obtained  from  the
              Serial  Number VPD pgae (0x80)) is not fetched and therefore not
              printed.  See the NOTES section below about "36 byte INQUIRYs".

       -L, --long
              this option causes more information to be decoded from the Iden-
              tify command sent to a NVMe DEVICE.

       -m, --maxlen=LEN
              this  option  has the same action as the --len=LEN option above.
              It has been added for compatibility with  the  sg_vpd,  sg_modes
              and sg_logs utilities.

       -O, --old
              Switch to older style options. Please use as first option on the
              command line.

       -o, --only
              Do not attempt to additionally retrieve the  serial  number  VPD
              page (0x80) to enhance the output of a standard INQUIRY. So with
              this option given and no others, this utility will send a  stan-
              dard INQUIRY SCSI command and decode its response. No other SCSI
              commands will be sent to the DEVICE.   Without  this  option  an
              additional  SCSI  command is sent: a (non-standard) SCSI INQUIRY
              to fetch the Serial Number VPD page. However the  Serial  Number
              VPD  page is not mandatory (while the Device Identification page
              is mandatory but a billion USB keys ignore that) and  may  cause
              nuisance error reports.
              For NVMe devices only the Identify controller is performed, even
              if the DEVICE includes a namespace identifier.  For  example  in
              FreeBSD given a DEVICE named /dev/nvme0ns1 then an Identify con-
              troller is sent to /dev/nvme0 and nothing is sent to  its  "ns1"
              (first namespace).

       -p, --page=PG
              the  PG argument can be either a number of an abbreviation for a
              VPD page. To enumerate the available abbreviations for VPD pages
              use  '-hh'  or  a bad abbreviation (e.g, '--page=xxx'). When the
              --cmddt option is given (once) then  PG  is  interpreted  as  an
              opcode number (so VPD page abbreviations make little sense).
              If  PG  is  a  negative  number, then a standard INQUIRY is per-
              formed. This can be used to override some guessing logic associ-
              ated with the --inhex=FN option.
              If  PG  is not found in the 'Supported VPD pages' VPD page (0x0)
              then EDOM is returned. To bypass  this  check  use  the  --force

       -r, --raw
              in  the  absence  of  --inhex=FN  then the output response is in
              binary.  The output should be piped to a file or another utility
              when  this  option  is  used.  The binary is sent to stdout, and
              errors are sent to stderr.
              If used with --inhex=FN then the contents of FN  is  treated  as

       -s, --vendor
              output a standard INQUIRY response's vendor specific fields from
              offset 36 to 55 in ASCII. When used twice (i.e. '-ss') also out-
              put  the  vendor specific field from offset 96 in ASCII. This is
              only done if the data passes some simple sanity checks.

       -v, --verbose
              increase level of verbosity. Can be used multiple times.

       -V, --version
              print out version string then exit.

       -e, --vpd
              set the Enable  Vital  Product  Data  (EVPD)  bit  (defaults  to
              clear(0)).  Used  in conjunction with the --page=PG option where
              PG specifies the VPD page number to query. If the  --page=PG  is
              not  given  then PG defaults to zero which is the "Supported VPD
              pages" VPD page. A more up to date decoding of VPD pages can  be
              found in the sg_vpd(8) utility.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | system/storage/sg3_utils |
       |Stability      | Pass-through uncommitted |

       Some  devices  with  weak SCSI command set implementations lock up when
       they receive commands they don't understand (and some lock up  if  they
       receive  response lengths that they don't expect). Such devices need to
       be treated carefully, use the '--len=36' option.  Without  this  option
       this utility will issue an initial standard INQUIRY requesting 36 bytes
       of response data. If the device indicates it could have  supplied  more
       data then a second INQUIRY is issued to fetch the longer response. That
       second command may lock up faulty devices.

       ATA or ATAPI devices that use a SCSI to ATA Translation layer (see  SAT
       at  www.t10.org)  may  support  the SCSI ATA INFORMATION VPD page. This
       returns the IDENTIFY (PACKET) DEVICE  response  amongst  other  things.
       The ATA Information VPD page can be fetched with '--page=ai'.

       In  the INQUIRY standard response there is a 'MultiP' flag which is set
       when the device has 2 or more ports. Some  vendors  use  the  preceding
       vendor  specific ('VS') bit to indicate which port is being accessed by
       the INQUIRY command (0 -> relative port 1 (port  "a"),  1  ->  relative
       port 2 (port "b")). When the 'MultiP' flag is set, the preceding vendor
       specific bit is shown in parentheses. SPC-3  compliant  devices  should
       use  the  device  identification  VPD page (0x83) to show which port is
       being used for access and the SCSI ports VPD page (0x88)  to  show  all
       available ports on the device.

       In  the  2.4  series of Linux kernels the DEVICE must be a SCSI generic
       (sg) device. In the 2.6 series and later block devices (e.g.  disks and
       ATAPI  DVDs)  can also be specified. For example "sg_inq /dev/sda" will
       work in the 2.6 series kernels. From lk 2.6.6 other SCSI "char"  device
       names may be used as well (e.g. "/dev/st0m").

       The number of bytes output by --hex and --raw is 36 bytes or the number
       given to --len=LEN (or --maxlen=LEN). That number  is  reduced  if  the
       "resid"  returned  by  the HBA indicates less bytes were sent back from

       The DEVICE is opened with a read-only  flag  (e.g.  in  Unix  with  the
       O_RDONLY flag).

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source was downloaded from  http://sg.danny.cz/sg/p/sg3_utils-1.46.tgz.

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://sg.danny.cz/sg/sg3_utils.html.

       There are two major types of ATA devices: non-packet devices (e.g.  ATA
       disks)  and  packet  devices (ATAPI). The majority of ATAPI devices are
       CD/DVD/BD drives in which the ATAPI transport carries the MMC set (i.e.
       a  SCSI  command  set).  Further, both types of ATA devices can be con-
       nected to a host computer via a "SCSI" (or some other) transport.  When
       an  ATA  disk  is controlled via a SCSI (or non-ATA) transport then two
       approaches are commonly used: tunnelling (e.g. STP in  Serial  Attached
       SCSI  (SAS))  or  by  emulating  a SCSI device (e.g. with a SCSI to ATA
       translation layer, see SAT at www.t10.org ).  Even  when  the  physical
       transport  to the host computer is ATA (especially in the case of SATA)
       the operating system may choose to  put  a  SAT  layer  in  the  driver
       "stack" (e.g. libata in Linux).

       The  main  identifying  command  for any SCSI device is an INQUIRY. The
       corresponding command for an ATA non-packet device is  IDENTIFY  DEVICE
       while for an ATA packet device it is IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE.

       When  this  utility  is  invoked  for an ATAPI device (e.g. a CD/DVD/BD
       drive with "sg_inq /dev/hdc") then a SCSI INQUIRY is sent to the device
       and  if  it  responds  then the response to decoded and output and this
       utility exits. To see the response for an ATA  IDENTIFY  PACKET  DEVICE
       command add the --ata option (e.g. "sg_inq --ata /dev/hdc).

       This  utility  doesn't  decode the response to an ATA IDENTIFY (PACKET)
       DEVICE command, hdparm does a good job at that. The '-HHH'  option  has
       been  added  for  use  with either the '--ata' or '--page=ai' option to
       produce a format acceptable to "hdparm --Istdin".  An example:  'sg_inq
       --ata -HHH /dev/hdc | hdparm --Istdin'. See hdparm.

       Currently  these device are typically SSDs (Solid State Disks) directly
       connected to a PCIe connector or via a specialized connector such as  a
       M2  connector. Linux and FreeBSD treat NVMe storage devices as separate
       from SCSI storage with device names like /dev/nvme0n1  (in  Linux)  and
       /dev/nvme0ns1 (in FreeBSD). The NVM Express group has a document titled
       "NVM Express: SCSI Translation Reference" which defines a partial "SCSI
       to NVMe Translation Layer" often known by its acronym: SNTL.

       On  operating systems where it is supported by this package, this util-
       ity will detect NVMe storage devices directly  connected  and  send  an
       Identify  controller NVMe Admin command and decode its response. A NVMe
       controller is architecturally similar to a SCSI target device.  If  the
       NVMe DEVICE indicates a namespace then an Identify namespace NVMe Admin
       command is sent to that namespace and its response is  decoded.  Names-
       paces are numbered sequentially starting from 1. Namespaces are similar
       to SCSI Logical Units and their identifiers (nsid_s) can be thought  of
       as  SCSI  LUNs. In the Linux and FreeBSD example device names above the
       "n1" and the "ns1" parts indicate nsid 1 . If no namespace is given  in
       the  DEVICE  then all namespaces found in the controller are sent Iden-
       tify namespace commands and the responses are decoded.

       To get more details in the response use the --long option. To only  get
       the controller's Identify decoded use the --only option.

       It  is  possible that even though the DEVICE presents as a NVMe device,
       it has a SNTL and accepts SCSI commands. In this case to  send  a  SCSI
       INQUIRY  command  (and  fetch its VPD pages) use 'sg_vpd -p sinq <dev>'
       (or to get VPD pages: 'sg_vpd -p <vpd_page> <dev>').

       The exit status of sg_inq is 0 when it is successful. Otherwise see the
       sg3_utils(8) man page.

       The  options  in  this  section  were  the only ones available prior to
       sg3_utils version 1.23 . Since then this utility defaults to the  newer
       command  line options which can be overridden by using --old (or -O) as
       the first option. See the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES section for another way
       to force the use of these older command line options.

       -36    only requests 36 bytes of response data for an INQUIRY. Further-
              more even if the device indicates in its response it can  supply
              more data, a second (longer) INQUIRY is not performed. This is a
              paranoid setting.  Equivalent to '--len=36' in the OPTIONS  sec-

       -a     fetch  the  ATA  Information  VPD  page  [0x89].  Equivalent  to
              '--page=ai' in the OPTIONS section. This page is defined in  SAT
              (see at www.t10.org).

       -A     Assume  given  DEVICE  is an ATA or ATAPI device.  Equivalent to
              --ata in the OPTIONS section.

       -b     decodes  the  Block  Limits  VPD  page  [0xb0].   Equivalent  to
              '--page=bl'  in  the  OPTIONS  section.  This page is defined in
              SBC-2 (see www.t10.org) and later.

       -B=0|1 equivalent to --block=0|1 in OPTIONS section.

       -c     set the Command Support Data (CmdDt) bit (defaults to clear(0)).
              Used  in  conjunction  with  the -p=VPD_PG option to specify the
              SCSI command opcode to  query.  Equivalent  to  --cmddt  in  the
              OPTIONS section.

       -cl    lists  the  command data for all supported commands (followed by
              the command name) by  looping  through  all  256  opcodes.  This
              option  uses  the  CmdDt  bit  which  is  now  obsolete. See the
              sg_opcodes(8) utility.  Equivalent to '--cmddt --cmddt'  in  the
              OPTIONS section.

       -d     decodes  depending  on  context.  If  -e option is given, or any
              option that implies -e (e.g. '-i' or '-p=80'), then this utility
              attempts  to  decode the indicated VPD page.  Otherwise the ver-
              sion descriptors  (if  any)  are  listed  following  a  standard
              INQUIRY  response.  In the version descriptors sense, equivalent
              to --descriptors in the OPTIONS section.

       -e     enable (i.e. sets) the Vital Product Data (EVPD)  bit  (defaults
              to  clear(0)).  Used in conjunction with the -p=VPD_PG option to
              specify the VPD page to fetch. If -p=VPD_PG is  not  given  then
              VPD page 0 (list supported VPD pages) is assumed.

       -f     Equivalent to --force in the OPTIONS section.

       -h     outputs INQUIRY response in hex rather than trying to decode it.
              Equivalent to --hex in the OPTIONS section.

       -H     same action as -h.  Equivalent to --hex in the OPTIONS section.

       -i     decodes the Device Identification VPD page [0x83]. Equivalent to
              --id  in  the  OPTIONS  section. This page is made up of several
              "designation descriptors". If -h is given then  each  descriptor
              header is decoded and the identifier itself is output in hex. To
              see the whole VPD 0x83 page response in hex use '-p=83 -h'.

       -I=FN  equivalent to --inhex=FN in the OPTIONS section.

       -l=LEN equivalent to --len=LEN in the OPTIONS section.

       -L     equivalent to --long in the OPTIONS section.

       -m     decodes the Management network addresses VPD page [0x85]. Equiv-
              alent to '--page=mna' in the OPTIONS section.

       -M     decodes  the  Mode  page  policy VPD page [0x87].  Equivalent to
              '--page=mpp' in the OPTIONS section.

       -N, --new
              Switch to the newer style options.

       -o     equivalent to --only in the OPTIONS section.

              used in conjunction with the -e or -c option. If  neither  given
              then the -e option assumed. When the -e option is also given (or
              assumed) then the argument to this option is the VPD  page  num-
              ber.  The argument is interpreted as hexadecimal and is expected
              to be in the range 0 to ff inclusive. Only VPD page 0 is decoded
              and  it lists supported VPD pages and their names (if known). To
              decode the mandatory device identification page (0x83)  use  the
              -i  option.  A now obsolete usage is when the -c option is given
              in which case the argument to this option is  assumed  to  be  a
              command  opcode  number.  Recent SCSI draft standards have moved
              this  facility  to  a  separate  command  (see   sg_opcodes(8)).
              Defaults  to  0  so  if -e is given without this option then VPD
              page 0 is output.

       -P     decodes the Unit Path Report VPD page [0xc0] which is  EMC  spe-
              cific.  Equivalent to '--page=upr' in the OPTIONS section.

       -r     outputs  the  response in binary to stdout.  Equivalent to --raw
              in the OPTIONS section.  Can be  used  twice  (i.e.  '-rr'  (and
              '-HHH'  has  same  effect)) and if used with the -A or -a option
              yields output with the same format as "cat /proc/ide/hd<x>/iden-
              tify" so that it can then be piped to "hdparm --Istdin".

       -s     decodes   the   SCSI  Ports  VPD  page  [0x88].   Equivalent  to
              '--page=sp' in the OPTIONS section.

       -u     equivalent to '--export' in the OPTIONS section.

       -v     increase level of verbosity. Can be used multiple times.

       -V     print out version string then exit.

       -x     decodes the Extended INQUIRY data VPD [0x86]  page.   Equivalent
              to '--page=ei' in the OPTIONS section.

       -?     output usage message and exit. Ignore all other parameters.

       The  examples  in this page use Linux device names. For suitable device
       names in other supported Operating Systems  see  the  sg3_utils(8)  man

       To view the standard inquiry response use without options:

          sg_inq /dev/sda

       Some  SCSI  devices  include version descriptors indicating the various
       SCSI standards and drafts they support. They can be viewed with:

          sg_inq -d /dev/sda

       Modern SCSI devices include Vital Product Data (VPD)pages which can  be
       viewed  with  the SCSI INQUIRY command. To list the supported VPD pages
       (but not their contents) try:

          sg_inq -e /dev/sda

       Some VPD pages can be read with the sg_inq utility but a newer  utility
       called sg_vpd specializes in showing their contents. The sdparm utility
       can also be used to show the contents of VPD pages.

       Further examples of sg_inq together with some  typical  output  can  be
       found on http://sg.danny.cz/sg/sg3_utils.html web page.

       Since    sg3_utils    version    1.23    the    environment    variable
       SG3_UTILS_OLD_OPTS can be given. When it is present this  utility  will
       expect the older command line options. So the presence of this environ-
       ment variable is equivalent to using --old (or -O) as the first command
       line option.

       Written by Douglas Gilbert

       Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>.

       Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Douglas Gilbert
       This  software is distributed under the GPL version 2. There is NO war-
       ranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR  A  PARTICULAR  PUR-

       sg_opcodes(8),    sg_vpd(8),    sg_logs(8),   sg_modes(8),   sdparm(8),
       hdparm(8), sgdiag(scsirastools)

sg3_utils-1.46                    March 2021                         SG_INQ(8)