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Oracle® Advanced Support Platform User's Guide

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Updated: July 2022

Starting Change Management Tickets

A CM ticket can either be started automatically by the system, or manually by selecting Start. You use Start for CM tickets that need to be started immediately, such as Emergency CM tickets.

After a CM ticket is scheduled, you may click Start to start implementing the change ahead of the scheduled time; otherwise the system automatically starts the implementation once the Start Date scheduled for a CM ticket is reached.

Note -  You cannot use Start on a recurring CM ticket. Recurring CM tickets must always be scheduled.

Before you begin:

  • The CM ticket must be in Scheduled status before you can start the work period for a CM ticket.

  • Make sure you have the appropriate privileges to start a CM ticket.

To manually start a CM ticket:

Note -  Before you can manually start the CM ticket, you must make sure to enter valid values in the start date and time fields as well as the Schedule Duration field. Please note that if you manually start a CM ticket, the system will start the duration timer and follow the duration value as specified in the Scheduled Duration field.
  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform home page appears.

  2. Click Management and then click Search CM Tickets.

  3. Locate the CM ticket you want to approve (look for tickets with the status set to Scheduled.)

  4. Click Update.

    The Update CM ticket page appears.

  5. Ensure that the CM ticket has been assigned to a service queue and/or person responsible for the individual implementation steps. (The CM ticket must be assigned before you can schedule it).

    For more information, see Assigning Change Management Tickets.

    1. If the Implementer Queue field is displayed, select the service queue responsible for the individual implementation steps.

    2. In the Implementer field, enter the name of the individual responsible for performing the implementation tasks.

  6. In the Scheduling area, make sure the CM ticket has been scheduled:

    1. In the Scheduled Start Date field, click the calendar icon beside the field.

      The system displays the Calendar pop-up window.

    2. In the calendar window, specify the date you want to start implementing the change request; then click Apply.

    3. In the Scheduled Duration field, enter the duration for implementing the change by typing a numeric value and then selecting the time unit from the drop-down window in minutes, hours, or days.

      Note -  You may set the Scheduled Duration to 0 (zero.)
  7. Click Start to start implementing the change ahead of the scheduled time.

    When you click Start, the Change Management service application initiates the Start workflow.

    If you receive any errors, make the necessary corrections, and then start the CM ticket. After successfully starting the CM ticket, its status will change to WIP.

  8. The action of starting a CM ticket causes the system to:

    • Check that all mandatory fields are populated with valid data.

    • Save the CM ticket in the database.

    • Update the CM ticket Worklog with the name of the user who started the CM ticket.

    • Advance the CM ticket to the WIP status.

    • Notify the following: Change Implementer(s), Change Owner, Change Requester, Change Approver, and Email Subscriber List. The email notification has an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket making it easy for the recipients to access it.

      Note -  No notification is sent to the email subscriber list for CM tickets scheduled as recurring.

    Note -  You may manually complete the CM ticket before the scheduled end time by clicking Complete.