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Oracle® Advanced Support Platform User's Guide

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Updated: July 2022

Managing Contact List Assignments

This section describes how to manage contact list assignments, and generate contact assignment reports in Oracle Advanced Support Platform. It consists of the following topics:

Oracle Advanced Support Platform supports two types of contact list:

  • System Defined Lists: Built-in contact lists used internally by Oracle Advanced Support Platform, including the email subscriber list for incident management. The System Defined Lists and the justification for sending an email to its constituent members are as follows:

    • CAB Member: Because they are members of the Change Approval Board (CAB)

    • CM email Subscriber: For each action on a CM ticket

    • Escalation: When an Incident ticket is escalated

    • IM email Subscriber: For each action on an Incident ticket

    • IM Local Language Email Subscriber: When a local language note is added to an Incident ticket

    • IMNOTIF: When a service level agreement (SLA) violation occurs

    • Notification: To satisfy the service delivery SLA notification commitment

    • PM email Subscriber: For each action on a problem management (PM) ticket

    • Remediation: Because the user has agreed to accept IM ticket ownership for customer-managed components

    • Service Interrupt: For each action on a service interrupt Incident ticket

  • User Defined Lists: Customized contact lists that are specific to your service delivery organization.

    Note -  Only users with appropriate permissions are allowed to manage the Contact List Assignments for their customer organizations.

To manage contact list assignments:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. From the Admin menu, select Contact List Assignments.

    The Contracts and Contacts page appears, displaying all authorized contacts in your organization.

  3. From the Customer list, select the required customer organization.

    For the selected customer, you can perform the following tasks: