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Oracle® Advanced Support Platform User's Guide

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Updated: July 2022

Completing Change Management Tickets

CM tickets can be completed automatically either by the system, or manually by selecting Complete.

A CM ticket must be in WIP status before you can complete the work period for a CM ticket.

Once a CM ticket is being worked on, you may click Complete to complete the work for a CM ticket ahead of the scheduled end time; otherwise the system automatically completes the implementation once the End Date scheduled for a CM ticket is reached.

Note -  You must have the appropriate privileges to complete a CM ticket.

To manually complete a CM ticket:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform home page appears.

  2. Click Management and then click Search CM Tickets.

  3. Locate the CM ticket you want to complete (look for tickets with the status set to WIP.)

  4. Click Update.

    The Update CM ticket page appears.

  5. On the Update CM Ticket page, select Complete.

    When you click Complete, the Change Management service application initiates the Complete work flow. If you receive any errors, make the necessary corrections, and then complete the CM ticket. After successfully completing the CM ticket, its status will change to Completed.

    Note -  For recurring CM tickets, Oracle Advanced Support Platform displays a message, informing you that completing this CM ticket completes the CM ticket permanently.
  6. The action of completing a CM ticket causes the system to:

    • Check that all mandatory fields are populated with valid data.

    • Save the CM ticket in the database.

    • Update the CM ticket Worklog with the name of the user who completed the CM ticket.

    • Advance the CM ticket to the Complete status.

    • Notify the following: Change Implementer(s), Change Owner, Change Requester, Change Approver, and Email Subscriber List.

      The email notification has an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket making it easy for the recipients to access it.