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Oracle® Advanced Support Platform User's Guide

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Updated: July 2022

Searching for Configuration Items

Oracle Advanced Support Platform enables users to locate and access CI's using both filtering and grouping features.

To search for CI's you are authorized to access you can use a set of filters that enable you to customize the search criteria to fit your requirements based on one or more CI parameters.

Use the following CI custom filter parameters as search criteria:

Table 3  CI Search Custom Filter parameters
Filter parameter
Configuration Item
Name of the CI.
Name of a customer associated with the CI.
The status of the CI, such as No Service, Staging, or Production.
Type of CI, such as:
  • Agent

  • CTA

  • Database Instance

  • Database Machine

  • DBMS

  • Exadata

  • Host

  • Operating System

  • Oracle Home

  • Physical Element

  • Server

  • Web Server

Primary IP
Primary IP address associated with the CI.
The model of the CI, such as Exadata Rack PDU, OEM Agent, WebLogic Domain.
The facility associated with the CI.
Serial #
A serial number used to uniquely identify a CI object or entity.
A number used to uniquely identify the CI (on the Internet.)
EM Target GUID
A number used to uniquely identify the Oracle Enterprise Manager target.
The source of the CI:
  • OEM

  • Oracle Advanced Support Portal

  • OEM Migrated

  • Oracle Advanced Support Portal Migrated

External identifier used to uniquely identify the CI.
The services associated with the CI.
An IP address associated with the CI.

To search for, and view a CI:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform home page appears.

  2. From the top-level menu, click Assets and then click Configuration Item List.

    The Configuration Item List data table appears. The browser and search functions are combined in this table.

  3. Enter the CI name or serial number in the Search field.

  4. Select the type of search criteria using the Filters options:

    • (Optional) From the Customer field, select the required value from the list

    • (Optional) From the Type field, select the required value from the CI Search Custom Filter parameters table above.

    • In the Custom Filter field, narrow the search using one of the values from the CI Search Custom Filter parameters table above.

      A list of items meeting the filter criteria appear.

  5. Click the name of the CI to access the Configuration Item dashboard.

Figure 14  Searching for a CI

image:CI Search Dialog