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Oracle® Advanced Support Platform User's Guide

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Updated: July 2022

Reviewing Service Implementation Worksheets

Customers can use Oracle Advanced Support Platform to review all of their implementation requests.

Note -  Only users with appropriate permissions are allowed to view and manage implementation requests for their customer organizations.

To view implementation requests (SIWs):

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. From the Admin menu, select Service Implementation Worksheet.

    The Service Implementation Worksheet Overview page appears, displaying all implementation requests in your organization.

  3. From the list of implementation requests, select the required SIW.

  4. You can filter implementation requests by status:

    • Complete

    • In progress

    • Canceled

  5. Review SIWs by name, template, customer associated to the implementation request, applied service, creation date, date of last update.

  6. (Optional) Edit the SIW by clicking the Edit icon in the Actions column. Only SIWs with the In progress status can be edited.

    Note -  Only users with appropriate permissions are allowed to edit implementation requests for their customer organizations.
  7. (Optional) Cancel the SIW by clicking the Cancel icon in the Actions column. Only SIWs with the In progress status can be edited.

    Note -  Only users with appropriate permissions are allowed to cancel implementation requests for their customer organizations.

Tip  -  For more information on managing SIWs, refer to the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway Documentation Documentation Library.