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Oracle® Advanced Support Platform User's Guide

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Updated: July 2022

Cloning Change Management Tickets

Cloning enables you to copy an existing CM ticket to create a new CM ticket for a customer organization. When you clone a CM ticket, Oracle Advanced Support Platform displays the Create CM Tickets page with all of the fields pre-populated from the existing CM ticket you cloned. You must review the information on the page and modify the data as appropriate.

To clone a CM ticket:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform home page appears.

  2. From the top-level menu, click Management and then click My CM Tickets.

    The Change Management page appears.

  3. Locate the CM ticket that you want to clone, then click View or Update.

    The View CM Ticket or Update CM Ticket page appears.

  4. Click Clone.

    The Create CM Tickets page appears with the information copied from the existing CM ticket you cloned.

    Note -  Oracle Advanced Support Platform does not copy any time or date information or schedule-related data from the existing CM ticket. Therefore all values are cloned except BCC Emails, Scheduling, Worklog, and Attachments.
  5. Review and modify the information on the Create CM Tickets page as required.

    For more information about the data on this page, see Creating Change Management Tickets.

  6. You can save the CM ticket as a draft or submit the CM ticket.

    1. To save the CM ticket, click Save as Draft.

      Oracle Advanced Support Platform performs the following actions on the CM ticket you created:

      • Saves the CM ticket in the database.

      • Adds the name of the submitter and the submission date to the CM ticket.

      • Assigns an ID to the CM ticket.

      • Advances the CM ticket to Draft status.

      • Notifies the Change Implementer. The email notification contains an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket.

    2. To submit the CM ticket, click Submit.

      Oracle Advanced Support Platform performs the following actions on the CM ticket you created:

      • Saves the CM ticket in the database.

      • Adds the name of the submitter and the submission date to the CM ticket.

      • Assigns an ID to the CM ticket.

      • Advances the CM ticket to the next step in the work flow.

      • Notifies the following parties through an email notification containing an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket:

        • Change Implementers

        • Change Owner

        • Change Requester

        • Email Subscriber List