Menu Parameters

Via the menu Parameters, you have access to the programs you need for the maintenance of your specific parameter files.

Related parameters which serve to maintain, e.g. payment, discount and miscellaneous parameters, are grouped and sorted in sub-menus.

Use the group index to find the main topics of this documentation quickly.

| Payments | Discounts | Misc. Params | Euro Conversion | Scheduled Updates | Preset Dialog | Sign on Dialog |

 Click on the image to find further help on how to use Menus.

Starting Programs from the Menu Parameters

The menu Parameters is the second menu in the menu bar of the program dispatcher.


When you chose the command Parameters in the menu bar, a list of the available menu commands is displayed.

You can make a selection by following the instructions below:

  1. Click on the menu Parameters.
  2. Click on the desired menu command.


  1. Press <F10>.
  2. Press the shortcut <ALT> P
  3. Enter the underlined letter for the desired menu command. Or press the <Page up> key or the <Page down> key to browse the menu commands and then press <Enter>.

Menu Parameters



Misc. Params

Euro Conversion

Scheduled Updates

Preset Dialog

Sign on Dialog

index.gif Click on the image to return to the Table of Contents.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin