The Oracle ATG Web Commerce installation provides the following SiteContextRuleFilter components for identifying a site:


Based on the class atg.multisite.PushedSiteParamFilter, the component /atg/multisite/RequestParameterRuleFilter is the first rule filter to execute. This filter processes request query parameters that set the current site, and specify it as a sticky site that persists throughout the session of that request. This filter is typically useful for testing and previewing sites that are under development; it should be disabled for production sites.

RequestParameterRuleFilter checks the request URL for two query parameters:

A sticky site remains valid for the current session until another request URL sets one of the following query parameters:

RequestParameterRuleFilter is enabled through two properties:

If desired, you can change the names of the query parameters that RequestParameterRuleFilter expects by setting these properties:

Note: Changing these properties on an asset management or preview server might disrupt preview functionality.


Based on the class atg.multisite.SiteContextRuleFilter, the filter component /atg/multisite/URLPatternMatchingRulefilter encapsulates rules for obtaining a site ID from a request URL. The filter implements two algorithms for determining the site ID:

Several Boolean properties determine whether the URLPatternMatchingRuleFilter is enabled and how it executes:




The filter is enabled.


Use the URLs property to look up the URL request.


Pass the request URL to the SiteURLManager for processing.

By default, all properties are set to true.

URLPatternMatchingRuleFilter also checks the request for the context parameter atg.multisite.URLPatternMatchingEnabled, which the application’s web.xml file can set to true or false. If the parameter is set to false, the filter does not execute and returns null to the SiteContextPipelineServlet. If web.xml omits this context parameter, the URLPatternMatchingRuleFilter behaves as if it were set to true.


Based on the class atg.multisite.DefaultSiteContextRuleFilter, the component /atg/multisite/DefaultSiteRuleFilter is configured by a single property, defaultSiteId, which identifies the server’s default site ID. This filter executes after all filters that are specified in the ruleFilters property execute, and only if none of them returns a site ID.