Self Service provides multisite functionality that can present separate Web sites to serve different purposes for your users. For example, you might configure a site for users in a particular country or for users with a specific requirements or interests.

Configure sites to control the way that users will experience Self Service. A site acts like a channel through which users can interact with your Self Service installation. You can create multiple Self Service sites as required by the organization of your other Web resources and the needs of your users.

Sites are used to control user experience by many other Commerce applications. See more information about sites and how to configure them in the ATG Multisite Administration Guide.

Use sites to provide different experiences to groups of Self Service users. Site configurations affect:

  • The topics available when Self Service users browse solutions or filter search results

  • The appearance of the Self Service user interface

  • Languages used

  • User interface behavior

  • Contact information for your organization

    Sites and Self Service

Note: Self Service also uses user segments to provide different user experiences to different groups of site visitors. You can use multiple sites to present different sets of content to visitors and use segments to customize a site for specific types of visitors. See Defining Target Audiences