In Oracle ATG Web Commerce, the subclasses of atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates represent the possible states for the order objects. For example, the atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates class represents the possible states of a CommerceItem, the atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates class represents the possible states of a PaymentGroup, and so on. The state names are defined in static String variables in each state class, and Commerce code uses the state name to set the state of a given object. For example:

// set the state of shippingGroup to the integer value of the
// name of the state
ShippingGroupStates sgStates = getShippingGroupStates();

Commerce provides the following configured instances of the state classes, which are located in Nucleus at /atg/commerce/states/:

The properties files of these state objects configure the following properties, which provide mappings of the order object’s state names to corresponding String values (for easy reading) and integer values (for easy comparisons):

Note that a state’s name and display name are two different values.

Each state class (OrderStates, CommereItemStates, and so on) contains several methods for retrieving a requested state’s Integer value, display name, or description from the state mappings. The following table describes these methods:

Method name



Given a state name, this method returns its Integer value.


Given a state’s display name, this method returns its Integer value.


Given a state’s Integer value, this method returns its display name.


Given a state’s Integer value or display name, this method returns its description.


Given a state’s Integer value or display name (as configured in the properties file of the relevant states component, for example, or, this method returns the display name that is defined in the resource file that is appropriate for the current locale.

Note: Used for internationalization, as described below.


Given a state’s Integer value or display name (as configured in the properties file of the relevant states component, for example, or, this method returns the state’s description that is defined in the resource file that is appropriate for the current locale.

Note: Used for internationalization, as described below.

The methods in the preceding table are called by several methods in the implementation classes of the order objects. Consequently, to retrieve the Integer value for the state of an order object, you can simply call the getState method of that order object. For example, call OrderImpl.getState to retrieve the corresponding Integer value for the state of the Order from Similarly, call CommerceItemImpl.getState to retrieve the corresponding Integer value for the state of the CommerceItem from

Additionally, if your commerce site isn’t internationalized, use the following order object methods to retrieve the display name or description, respectively, for the state of the order object. Like the getState method, these methods retrieve a value specified in the properties file of the relevant states component:

If your commerce site is internationalized, and you, therefore, need to provide one or more translations of the display names and descriptions for the states of the Oracle ATG Web Commerce order objects, then you should specify those values in files that are placed in the CLASSPATH. By default, Commerce provides a base file named, which is used when a locale-specific resource file isn’t found during a request. The file maps each state’s configured display name to a translated display name and description using the following key-value format:

Note that the keys are the display names of the states as configured in the properties files of the states components (,, and so on). Also note that, because different order objects may use the same display name for a given state, each key is prepended with a prefix to avoid conflict.

To add an additional resource file, copy and rename the file according to Java naming guidelines for ResourceBundle inheritance, using any appropriate language, country, and variant suffixes. Then translate the file according to the translation guidelines provided in the Internationalizing a Dynamo Web Site chapter in the ATG Platform Programming Guide. (You can refer to that chapter for more information on working with ResourceBundles.) Finally, place the resource file in the CLASSPATH. By default, is located in the CLASSPATH at, and each states component refers to this file in its resourceFileName property (OrderStates.resourceFileName, CommerceItemStates.resourceFileName, and so on).

If your commerce site is internationalized and, therefore, makes use of resource files, use the following order object methods to retrieve a locale-specific display name or description, respectively, for the state of the order object:

  • getStateAsUserResource
    For example, call OrderImpl.getStateAsUserResource to retrieve a locale-specific display name for the state of the Order object from the appropriate file.

  • getStateDescriptionAsUserResource
    For example, call OrderImpl.getStateDescriptionAsUserResource to retrieve a locale-specific description for the state of the Order object from the appropriate file.

Like the other order object methods, these methods call through to the methods in the states classes (OrderStates, CommerceItemStates, and so on), namely the getStateAsUserResource and getStateDescriptionAsUserResource methods. Given the current locale and the basename specified in the resourceFileName property of the states component (OrderStates.resourceFileName, CommerceItemStates.resourceFileName, and so on), these latter methods use ResourceBundle inheritance rules to retrieve the most appropriate resource file for the current locale. For example, if the locale is fr_FR, the code first looks for a file. If the file doesn’t exist, it then looks for a file. If that file doesn’t exist, it retrieves the default resource file, Once the appropriate resource file is obtained, the appropriate prefix is appended to the key, and the requested value is retrieved.

As previously mentioned , in Oracle ATG Web Commerce the subclasses of atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates represent the possible states for the order objects. You can refer to the subsections that follow for descriptions of these states:

CommerceItem States

The following table describes the possible states of a CommerceItem:

State Name



The item isn’t available in the inventory; it has been backordered.


The item isn’t available in the inventory; it cannot be backordered.


The item has failed.


The item is in an initial state, that is, it is not yet associated with any shipping group.


The item could not be found in the inventory.


The item isn’t available in the inventory, and it has not been backordered.


The item will be removed pending verification that all item relationships referring to it can be removed.


The item isn’t available in the inventory; it has been preordered.


The item has been removed from the order.


The item is available in the inventory, and it is being prepared for shipment to the customer.

Order States

The following table describes the possible states of an Order:

State Name



The approval process for the order is complete, and the order has been approved.


The order failed.


The approval process for the order is complete, and the order has been rejected.


The order is in the purchase process.


The order has been fulfilled, and processing of the order is complete. All shipping groups in the order are in a NO_PENDING_ACTION or REMOVED state, and order payment has been settled.


The order requires approval (or an additional approval) by an authorized approver.


Processing of the order requires the customer’s attention for some reason, such as an incorrect customer address.


This is an unused state. It is placed in the list of states for the convenience of those who might want to implement this state.


Processing of the order requires merchant attention for some reason, such as the failure of a payment group in the order.


A request was made to remove the order. The order is placed in this state until all shipping groups in the order are set to a PENDING_REMOVE state.


The order is being processed by Fulfillment.


This is an unused state. It is placed in the list of states for the convenience of those who might want to implement this state.


The order has been removed successfully.


The order has completed the purchase process and has been submitted to Fulfillment.


The order is a template order used by a scheduled order.

PaymentGroup States

The following table describes the possible states of a PaymentGroup:

State Name



Authorization of the payment group has failed.


The payment group has been authorized and can be debited.


Credit of the payment group has failed.


The payment group hasn’t been acted on yet.


The payment group has been removed.


Debit of the payment group has failed.


The payment group has been debited successfully.

ShippingGroup States

The following table describes the possible states of a ShippingGroup:

State Name



The shipping group is in a pre-fulfillment state.


The shipping group has started the fulfillment process.


A request for the removal of the entire order was made, and the removal of this shipping group is possible.


The shipping group has been removed.


The shipping group has failed to process.


The shipping group awaits shipment. This is used by Oracle ATG Web Commerce to determine which shipping groups are ready to be shipped.


The shipment of all the items in the shipping group is complete.


An error occurred while trying to process the shipping group; the error requires the merchant’s attention.

ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship States

The following table describes the possible states of a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship:

State Name



The item isn’t available in the inventory; it has been backordered.


The item has been delivered. This state occurs when the shipping group containing this relationship has shipped.


The item isn’t available in the inventory; it cannot be backordered.


The item relationship failed.


The order fulfillment framework has not acted on the item relationship.


The item could not be found in the inventory.


The item isn’t available in the inventory, and it has not been backordered.


The item has been allocated in the inventory system and is ready to be delivered.


A request to remove the shipping group was made, and the items have not yet shipped.


This is an unused state. It is placed in the list of states for the convenience of those who might want to implement this state.


The item is available in the inventory, and it is being prepared for shipment to the customer.


The item isn’t available in the inventory; it has been preordered.


The item relationship has been removed.


This is an unused state. It is placed in the list of states for the convenience of those who might want to implement this state.

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