The allocateItemRelQuantity chain is executed when called by the allocateItemRelationship chain.

The following sections describe each processor in the pipeline chain.


This processor checks the current state of the ShippingGroupCommerceItem relationship. If it is BACK_ORDERED, control passes to purchaseItemOffBackOrder. If it is PRE_ORDERED, control passes to purchaseItemOffPreOrder. Otherwise, control passes to purchaseItem.

Transactional mode: TX_MANDATORY

Nucleus component: /atg/commerce/fulfillment/processor/HandleItemRelationshipState

PipelineProcessor object: atg.commerce.pricing.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent

Transitions: Return value of 1 executes the purchaseItem processor. Return value of 2 executes the purchaseItemOffPreOrder processor. Return value of 3 executes the purchaseItemOffBackOrder processor.


This processor calls the purchase method of the InventoryManager. Depending on the result of the purchase, the state of the relationship is set accordingly. Execution of this chain then stops.

Transactional mode: TX_MANDATORY

Nucleus component: /atg/commerce/fulfillment/processor/PurchaseItem

PipelineProcessor object: atg.commerce.pricing.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent

Transitions: None. This is the last link in the chain and causes the PipelineManager to return to the caller.


This processor calls the purchaseOffPreorder method of the InventoryManager. Depending on the result of the purchase, the state of the relationship is set accordingly. Execution of this chain then stops.

Transactional mode: TX_MANDATORY

Nucleus component: /atg/commerce/fulfillment/processor/PurchaseItemOffPreOrder

PipelineProcessor object: atg.commerce.pricing.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent

Transitions: None. This is the last link in the chain and causes the PipelineManager to return to the caller.


This processor calls the purchaseOffBackorder method of the InventoryManager. Depending on the result of the purchase, the state of the relationship is set accordingly. Execution of this chain then stops.

Transactional mode: TX_MANDATORY

Nucleus component: /atg/commerce/fulfillment/processor/PurchaseItemOffBackOrder

PipelineProcessor object: atg.commerce.pricing.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent

Transitions: None. This is the last link in the chain and causes the PipelineManager to return to the caller.

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