Oracle EDR InfiniBand Switch and Virtualized I/O Systems Administration Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Verify the Firmware Upgrade (Oracle Fabric OS)

If you are updating from firmware version to a later version, use this task to validate that the update has occurred successfully.

  1. If you are not already in the Oracle Fabric OS, access it now.
    1. Log in to the leaf switch.
      % ssh root@switch_host_IP_address
      root@switch_host_IP_address's password: password
      Last login: Fri Dec 14 16:20:27 2012
      [root@switch_hostname ~]#
    2. Access Oracle Fabric OS.
      [root@switch_hostname ~]# su admin
                        Welcome to OFOS Controller
          Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Oracle Corp.  All rights reserved.
             Enter "help" for information on available commands.
      Enter the command "show system copyright" for licensing information

      The Oracle Fabric OS configuration wizard starts.

  2. Display the firmware versions.
    [root@SCP_hostname ~]# show system
    BASE OS:                2016-06-20_14-04-26
    PSIF FW:                0.067
    PSIF Bootloader:        0.036
    SATURN:                 1.0  BUILD-20160624-916
    OFOS:                   1.0.1-OFOS
    OFM:                    5.0.1_OFM_PB_1.5
    ILOM:          - 110640
    EMS:                    1.0.0
    version completed with 0 error(s)
    [root@SCP_hostname ~]#
  3. Verify the firmware update.
    [admin@switch_hostname ~]# system verify 
    Verifying...        ################################################# [100%]
    [admin@switch_hostname ~]#
  4. (Optional) Configure the switch features through your chosen interface:


    • Oracle Fabric OS 1.0.2 Administration Guide

    • Oracle Fabric Manager 5.0.2 Administration Guide

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