Oracle EDR InfiniBand Switch and Virtualized I/O Systems Administration Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: November 2016

Display Fan Information (Oracle ILOM CLI)

The switch has a total of eight fans numbered zero to seven, with two fans in each of four fan modules. Fan modules are numbered zero to three, so fans zero and one would be in the first fan module (FM0), fans two and three would be in the second fan module (FM1), and so on.

  1. Discover the presence or absence of a specific fan module.
    -> show -d properties /SYS/FM_slot/PRSNT

    where slot is the slot of the fan (0 to 3) for which you want to display information.

    For example, to determine the presence of fan module 0, type:

    -> show -d properties /SYS/FM0/PRSNT
     		type = Entity Presence
     		ipmi_name = FM0/PRSNT
     		class = Discrete Sensor
     		value = Present
     		alarm_status = cleared
  2. Display the fan module's Health LED state.
    -> show /SYS/FM0/SERVICE
     		type = Indicator
            	ipmi_name = FM0/SERVICE
            	value = Off
  3. Display properties for a fan module.
    -> show -d properties /SYS/FM0
     		type = Fan Module
     		ipmi_name = FM0
     		fault_state = OK
     		clear_fault_action = (none)
  4. Display the fault properties of an individual fan.
    -> show -d properties /SYS/FM0/Fan_X

    where X is the number of the fan (0 to 1 for FM0) for which you want to display information.

    For example, to display information for fan 1:

    -> show -d properties /SYS/FM0/FAN1
     		type = Fan Module
     		ipmi_name = FM0/FAN1
     		fault_state = OK
     		clear_fault_action = (none)
  5. Display the health and location of an individual fan.
    -> show -d properties /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_X

    where X is the number of the fan (0 through 7). Fan information displayed is for the chassis cooling subsystem, not for component cooling such as power-supply fans.

    For example, type:

    -> show -d properties /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_1
     		health = OK
     		health_details = -
     		part_number = Unknown
     		serial_number = Unknown
     		location = FM0 (Fan Module 0)
     		fan_percentage = 33%
  6. Check the speed in RPMs of an individual fan.
    -> show -d properties /SYS/FMY/FANX/TACH

    where X is the number of the fan you want to display for a specific fan module Y.

    -> show -d properties /SYS/FM0/FAN1/TACH
     		type = Fan
     		ipmi_name = FM0/FAN1/TACH
     		class = Threshold Sensor
     		value = 10000.000 RPM
     		upper_nonrecov_threshold = 25000.000 RPMN
     		upper_critical_threshold = 25000.0000 RPM
     		upper_noncritical_threshold = 24000.000 RPM
     		lower_noncritical_threshold = 6300.000 RPM
     		lower_critical_threshold = 6000.000 RPM
     		lower_nonrecov_threshold = 0.000 RPM
     		alarm_status = cleared

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