Oracle EDR InfiniBand Switch and Virtualized I/O Systems Administration Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Enable Alerts to Send PETs (Oracle ILOM Web)

Alerts are sent when conditions in the switch match an alert level that you create by editing a preconfigured rule already on the switch. Part of configuring the rule is specifying the alert level, and also, specifying the alert type, which can be an IPMI PET. When an alert of the specified level or greater occurs, the switch then sends an IPM PET. By default, alerts are disabled.

  1. Choose ILOM Administration→Notifications, and click the Alerts tab.
  2. In the Alerts table, select an existing alert and click Edit.
  3. Select the alert level from the Level drop-down menu.
  4. Select IPMI PET from the Type drop-down menu.
  5. Type the IPMI PET destination IP address into the IP Address field.
  6. If you want to specify the port, uncheck the Autoselect box and type the port number into the Destination Port field.
  7. Click Save.

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