Oracle EDR InfiniBand Switch and Virtualized I/O Systems Administration Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Disable the HTTPS Service (Oracle ILOM CLI)

You can selectively disable the HTTP server on the switch without having to change any of the HTTPS properties. When you disable the HTTPS service, you can enable HTTP to retain web server access to Oracle ILOM. If you want no web server functionality, you can leave HTTP disabled.

Note -  Performing this task on an already active HTTPS server effectively resets the server.

This task disables the HTTPS connection to the web interface. To access the web interface, either the HTTP service or the HTTPS service must be enabled. You cannot disable HTTPS while the HTTP secure redirect property is enabled.

  1. Disable secure redirection.
    -> set /SP/services/http secureredirect=disabled
    Set 'secureredirect' to 'disabled'
  2. Disable the HTTPS service.
    -> set /SP/services/https servicestate=disabled
    Set 'servicestate' to 'disabled'

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