Oracle EDR InfiniBand Switch and Virtualized I/O Systems Administration Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Display the Alert Properties (Oracle ILOM CLI)

Alerts can provide advance notice of a system failure. The Oracle ILOM implementation in the SP supports 15 alert rules, which configure alert properties. Supported alert types are SNMP traps, IPMI PETs, and email alerts. For SNMP traps and PETs, the alert destination must have the relevant Oracle ILOM MIBs installed and must support SNMP traps.

  • Display the alert properties.
    -> show -d properties /SP/alertmgmt/rules/alert

    where alert is the number of the alert to display from 1 to 15.

    For example, to display the properties for alert 1, type:

    -> show -d properties /SP/alertmgmt/rules/1
     		type = snmptrap
     		level = disable
     		destination =
     		destination_port = 0
     		community_or_username = public
     		snmp_version = 1
     		testrule = (Cannot show property)

    In the output, alert 1 is not configured to send any alerts.

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