Oracle EDR InfiniBand Switch and Virtualized I/O Systems Administration Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Configure SNMP Properties (Oracle ILOM CLI)

Use this task to configure general SNMP properties such as enabling the SNMP service or selectively enabling SNMP v1, v2c, or v3. SNMP v1 and v2c are supported by the switch even though they are not secure. If you enable SNMP v1 or v2c, you are prompted with warning text, and must confirm that you want to use these versions of the protocol.

  1. Enable SNMP service on the switch.

    See Enable the SNMP Service (Oracle ILOM CLI).

  2. (Optional) Set the port for SNMP communication.
    -> set /SP/services/snmp servicestate=enabled
    Set 'servicestate' to 'enabled'
  3. Determine whether the SNMP Set primitive is supported.
     -> set /SP/services/snmp/ sets=disabled
    Set 'sets' to 'disabled'

    Note -  SNMP Set primitives are supported by default. If SNMP Sets are disabled, only SNMP Gets will function on the switch.
  4. (Optional) Enable a specific version of SNMP in use in your environment.
    -> set /SP/services/snmp v2c=enabled
    ********* WARNING *********
    Use of SNMP v1 or v2c protocols is insecure.
    Are you sure you want to set v2c=enabled (y/n)? y
    Set 'v2c' to 'enabled'

    Note -  The switch uses SNMP v3 by default. The preceding example is shown for illustrative purposes only.

    The switch can support multiple versions of SNMP simultaneously.

  5. For SNMP v3, specify an engine ID for authentication and encryption of SNMP v3 communication.
    -> set /SP/services/snmp/ engineid=12345
    Set 'engineid' to '12345'

    Note -  If authentication or encryption are not required in your environment, leave the engine ID at default value, or use this command to set the engine ID to (none).

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