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Oracle® Rack Universal Power Distribution Unit User's Guide

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Updated: May 2019

Create a User Profile

  1. To create a new user profile, at the config:# prompt, type user create <name> <option> <roles>, and press Enter.

    <name> is a string comprising up to 32 ASCII printable characters. The <name> variable CANNOT contain spaces.

    <option> is one of the options:

    • enable – Enables the newly-created user profile.

    • disable – Disables the newly-created user profile.

    <roles> is a role or a list of comma-separated roles assigned to the specified user profile. For example, to create a new user profile named May, enable the profile, and assign the Admin role to the user profile, at the config:# prompt, type user create May enable admin, and press Enter.

  2. When prompted to assign a password to the newly‑created user, type the password, and press Enter.
  3. Re-type the same password for confirmation and press Enter.