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Oracle® Rack Universal Power Distribution Unit User's Guide

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Updated: May 2019

Modify an Existing LDAP Server

You can modify one or multiple parameters of an existing LDAP server, such as its IP address, TCP port number, and Base DN. You also can change the priority or sequence of existing LDAP servers in the server list.

  • To modify the settings on an existing LDAP server, at the config:# prompt, type authentication ldap modify <server_num> "parameters", and press Enter.

    <server_num> is the sequential number of the specified server in the LDAP server list.

    Replace "parameters" with one or multiple commands in the following table, depending on which parameter(s) you want to modify.

    LDAP Server Parameter
    host <host>
    Change the IP address or host name, where <host> is the new IP address or host name.
    port <port>
    Change the TCP port number, where <port> is the new TCP port number.
    serverType <ldap_type>
    Change the server type, where <ldap_type> is the new type of the LDAP server. <ldap_type> values include openldap and activeDirectory.
    securityType <security>
    Change the security type, where <security> is the new security type. <security> values include none, startTls, and ssl.
    bindType <bind_type>
    Change the bind type, where <bind_type> is the new bind type. <bind_type> values include anonymousBind and authenticatedBind.
    searchBaseDN <base_DN>
    Change the base DN for search, where <base_DN> is the new base DN for search.
    loginNameAttribute <login_name_att>
    Change the login name attribute, where <login_name_att> is the new login name attribute.
    userEntryObjectClass <user_entry_class>
    Change the user entry object class, where <user_entry_class> is the new user entry class.
    userSearchSubfilter <user_search_filter>
    Change the user search subfilter, where <user_search_filter> is the new user search subfilter.
    adDomain <AD_domain>
    Change the Active Directory Domain name, where <AD_domain> is the new domain name of the Active Directory.
    verifyServerCertificate <verify_cert>
    Enable or disable the certificate verification, where <verify_cert> enables or disables the certificate verification feature. Available values include true and false.
    Re-upload a different certificate.
    1. First add the "certificate" parameter to the command, and press Enter.

    2. When prompted, type or copy the content of the certificate in the CLI, and press Enter.

    allowExpiredCertificate <allow_exp_cert>
    Determine whether to accept a certificate which is expired or not valid yet, where <allow_exp_cert> determines whether to accept an expired or not valid yet certificate. <allow_exp_cert> values include true and false.
    bindDN <bind_DN>
    Change the bind DN, where <bind_DN> is the new bind DN.
    Change the bind DN password.
    1. Add the "bindPassword" parameter to the command and press Enter.

    2. When prompted, type the password, and press Enter.

    sortPosition <position>
    Change the priority of the server (sorting), where <position> is the new sequential number of the server in the LDAP server list.
Example 7  Change the IP Address of the 1st LDAP Server

At the config:# prompt, type authentication ldap modify 1 host, and press Enter.

Example 8  Change the IP address and TCP Port of the 1st LDAP Server

At the config:# prompt, type authentication ldap modify 1 host port 633, and press Enter.

Example 9  Change the IP address, TCP Port, and the Type of the 1st LDAP Server

At the config:# prompt, type authentication ldap modify 1 host port 633 serverType activeDirectory, and press Enter.