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Oracle® Rack Universal Power Distribution Unit User's Guide

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Updated: May 2019

Modify a Monitored Device's Settings

  1. To modify a device IP address or host name, at the config:# prompt, type serverReachability modify <n> ipAddress <IP_host>, and press Enter.
  2. To enable or disable the ping monitoring feature for the device, at the config:# prompt, type serverReachability modify <n> pingMonitoringEnabled <option>, and press Enter.
  3. To modify the number of successful pings for declaring Reachable, at the config:# prompt, type serverReachability modify <n> numberOfSuccessfulPingsToEnable <succ_number>, and press Enter.
  4. To modify the number of unsuccessful pings for declaring Unreachable, at the config:# prompt, type serverReachability modify <n> numberOfUnsuccessfulPingsForFailure <fail_number>, and press Enter.
  5. To modify the wait time after a successful ping, at the config:# prompt, type serverReachability modify <n> waitTimeAfterSuccessfulPing <succ_wait>, and press Enter.
  6. To modify the wait time after an unsuccessful ping, at the config:# prompt, type serverReachability modify <n> waitTimeAfterUnsuccessfulPing <fail_wait>, and press Enter.
  7. To modify the wait time before resuming pinging after declaring Unreachable, at the config:# prompt, type serverReachability modify <n> waitTimeBeforeResumingPinging <resume>, and press Enter.
  8. To modify the number of consecutive Unreachable declarations before disabling the ping monitoring feature, at the config:# prompt, type serverReachability modify <n> numberOfFailuresToDisable <disable_count>, and press Enter.

    <n> is a number representing the sequence of the IT device in the server monitoring list.

    <IP_host> is the IP address or host name of the IT device whose settings you want to modify.

    <option> is one of the options:

    • true – Enables the ping monitoring feature for the monitored device.

    • false – Disables the ping monitoring feature for the monitored device.

    • <succ_number> is the number of successful pings for declaring the monitored device Reachable. Valid range is 0 to 200.

    • <fail_number> is the number of consecutive unsuccessful pings for declaring the monitored device Unreachable. Valid range is 1 to 100.

    • <succ_wait> is the wait time to send the next ping after a successful ping. Valid range is 5 to 600 (seconds).

    • <fail_wait> is the wait time to send the next ping after a unsuccessful ping. Valid range is 3 to 600 (seconds).

    • <resume> is the wait time before the HPDU resumes pinging after declaring the monitored device Unreachable. Valid range is 5 to 120 (seconds).

    • <disable_count> is the number of consecutive Unreachable declarations before the HPDU disables the ping monitoring feature for the monitored device and returns to the "Waiting for reliable connection" state. Valid range is 1 to 100 or unlimited.

Example 11  Server Settings Changed

The following command modifies several ping monitoring settings for the second server in the server reachability list.

serverReachability modify 2 numberOfSuccessfulPingsToEnable 10 numberOfUnsuccessfulPingsForFailure 8 waitTimeAfterSuccessfulPing 30