Netra Server X5-2 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2016



add-on card configuration utilitiesindex iconAccess Add-On Card Configuration Utilities (BIOS)
BIOSindex iconAccessing BIOS
BIOS Setup utilityindex iconAccess the BIOS Setup Utility
Oracle ILOMindex iconAccessing Oracle ILOM
index iconAccess OSA (BIOS F9 Key)
index iconAccessing OSA
OSA flash drive filesindex iconAccess the Firmware and Software on the OSA USB Flash Drive
OSA Oracle ILOM web interfaceindex iconAccess OSA (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
toolsindex iconAccessing Administration Tools
add-on card configuration utilitiesindex iconAccess Add-On Card Configuration Utilities (BIOS)
Admin user role, Oracle ILOMindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
of hardware RAIDindex iconHardware RAID Administration Tools
resourcesindex iconUnderstanding Administration Resources
toolsindex iconCommon Administration Tools
Administrator user roleindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
Advanced menu, BIOSindex iconBIOS Setup Utility Menus
Advanced user roleindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
alarms, changing states manuallyindex iconChange Telco Alarm States Manually
audit logs, managingindex iconManage Event and Audit Log Entries
Auto Power-on Host On Boot policyindex iconConfiguring Power-On Policies


BIOSindex iconCommon Administration Tools
accessingindex iconAccessing BIOS
configuringindex iconConfiguring BIOS
key mappingsindex iconBIOS Key Mappings
Legacy modeindex iconBIOS Overview (Administration)
Main menuindex iconAccess the BIOS Setup Utility
overviewindex iconBIOS Overview (Administration)
POSTindex iconAccess the BIOS Setup Utility
resetting to default settings
index iconReset the BIOS to Default Settings (BIOS)
index iconReset the BIOS to Default Settings (Oracle ILOM)
UEFI modeindex iconBIOS Overview (Administration)
version, displayingindex iconDisplay Server Information (OSA)
BIOS Setup utilityindex iconAccess the BIOS Setup Utility
logging outindex iconExit the BIOS Setup Utility
index iconNavigate BIOS Setup Utility Menus
index iconBIOS Setup Utility Menus
Save and Exit windowindex iconExit the BIOS Setup Utility
boot configurationindex iconConfiguring Power-On and Boot Options
boot device
configuring priority through BIOSindex iconConfigure the Boot Device Priority (BIOS)
selectingindex iconSelecting a Boot Device
Boot menu, BIOSindex iconBIOS Setup Utility Menus


Oracle ILOM root passwordindex iconChange the Oracle ILOM Root Password (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
Telco alarm statesindex iconChange Telco Alarm States Manually
checking for server problemsindex iconCheck for Problems
accessing the host consoleindex iconSwitch Between the Oracle ILOM CLI and the Host Console
Oracle ILOMindex iconLog In To the Oracle ILOM CLI (NET MGT)
common administration toolsindex iconCommon Administration Tools
add-on cardsindex iconAccess Add-On Card Configuration Utilities (BIOS)
BIOSindex iconConfiguring BIOS
BIOS to default settings
index iconReset the BIOS to Default Settings (BIOS)
index iconReset the BIOS to Default Settings (Oracle ILOM)
boot device priorityindex iconConfigure the Boot Device Priority (BIOS)
date and timeindex iconConfigure the Date and Time (BIOS)
devicesindex iconConfiguring Devices in BIOS
Enhanced PCIe Cooling Mode policyindex iconConfigure the Enhanced PCIe Cooling Mode Policy (Oracle ILOM CLI)
I/O resource allocationindex iconConfiguring I/O Resource Allocation
Legacy option ROM allocationindex iconConfiguring Legacy Option ROM Allocation
NET MGT port
index iconConfigure the NET MGT Port (NET MGT)
index iconConfigure the NET MGT Port (SER MGT)
Oracle ILOM
BIOSindex iconConfiguring the SP and Oracle ILOM (BIOS)
CLIindex iconConfiguring the SP and Oracle ILOM (Oracle ILOM CLI)
OSAindex iconConfiguring the SP and Oracle ILOM (OSA)
webindex iconConfiguring the SP and Oracle ILOM (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
Oracle ILOM identityindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
Oracle ILOM root passwordindex iconChange the Oracle ILOM Root Password (OSA)
Oracle ILOM user accounts
index iconAdd Oracle ILOM User Accounts (OSA)
index iconConfigure User Accounts (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
physical presence checkindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
power-on policies
index iconConfigure the Power-On Policy (Oracle ILOM CLI)
index iconConfigure the Power-On Policy (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
index iconConfiguring Power-On Policies
SER MGT portindex iconConfigure the SP SER MGT Port
SP clockindex iconSet the SP Clock (OSA)
SP network
index iconConfigure the SP Network (OSA)
index iconConfigure the SP Network (BIOS)
Console user role, Oracle ILOMindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
Control key sequences, BIOSindex iconBIOS Key Mappings
controller propertiesindex iconAccess Add-On Card Configuration Utilities (BIOS)
power state
index iconControl the Power State
index iconControlling the Power State
serverindex iconControlling the Server


date and time
index iconConfigure the Date and Time (BIOS)
index iconConfigure the SP Date and Time
default Oracle ILOM root password
changingindex iconChange the Oracle ILOM Root Password (Oracle ILOM CLI)
device configuration
index iconModify Device Configuration (Legacy Boot Mode)
index iconModify Device Configuration (UEFI Boot Mode)
I/O resource allocationindex iconEnable or Disable I/O Resource Allocation
option ROMindex iconEnable or Disable Option ROM Settings
OSAindex iconDisable OSA
host power stateindex iconDisplay Server Information (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
server information
index iconDisplay Server Information (OSA)
index iconDisplay Server Information (BIOS)
index iconDisplay Server Information (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
downloading software releasesindex iconDownload Software Releases (My Oracle Support)


I/O resource allocationindex iconEnable or Disable I/O Resource Allocation
option ROMindex iconEnable or Disable Option ROM Settings
OSAindex iconEnable OSA
Enhanced PCIe Cooling Mode policy, configuringindex iconConfigure the Enhanced PCIe Cooling Mode Policy (Oracle ILOM CLI)
event logs, managingindex iconManage Event and Audit Log Entries
exit commandindex iconLog Out of Oracle ILOM


obtaining updatesindex iconObtain and Update Firmware (OSA)
updatingindex iconUpdating the Firmware and Software
fully powered onindex iconControlling the Power State
function keys, BIOSindex iconBIOS Key Mappings


HMPindex iconCommon Administration Tools
hardware RAID administrationindex iconHardware RAID Administration Tools
overviewindex iconHMP Overview
IP addressindex iconDisplay Server Information (OSA)
resettingindex iconReset the Host
hostname, Oracle ILOMindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity


I/O resource allocationindex iconI/O Resource Allocation
configuringindex iconConfiguring I/O Resource Allocation
enabling or disablingindex iconEnable or Disable I/O Resource Allocation
IO menu, BIOSindex iconBIOS Setup Utility Menus
IP addresses
SPindex iconDisplay Server Information (OSA)
IPMI and Oracle ILOMindex iconOracle ILOM Overview


key mappings, BIOSindex iconBIOS Key Mappings
KVMSindex iconEnable KVMS


Legacy BIOS modeindex iconBIOS Overview (Administration)
Legacy option ROM allocation, configuringindex iconConfiguring Legacy Option ROM Allocation
locating the serverindex iconLocate the Server (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
Locator LEDindex iconLocate the Server (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
logging into
index iconLog In To the Oracle ILOM CLI (SER MGT)
index iconLog In To the Oracle ILOM CLI (NET MGT)
Oracle ILOM web interfaceindex iconLog In To the Oracle ILOM Web Interface
logging out of
BIOS Setup utilityindex iconExit the BIOS Setup Utility
Oracle ILOMindex iconLog Out of Oracle ILOM
OSAindex iconLog Out of OSA
managingindex iconManage Event and Audit Log Entries
LSI Mega storage managerindex iconHardware RAID Administration Tools


Main menu, BIOSindex iconBIOS Setup Utility Menus
main window, OSAindex iconAccess OSA (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
event and audit logsindex iconManage Event and Audit Log Entries
menus, BIOS Setup utility
index iconNavigate BIOS Setup Utility Menus
index iconBIOS Setup Utility Menus
modifying, device configuration
index iconModify Device Configuration (Legacy Boot Mode)
index iconModify Device Configuration (UEFI Boot Mode)
server healthindex iconMonitoring the Server Health (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
the serverindex iconMonitoring the Server
mounting OSA USB flash driveindex iconMounting the OSA USB Flash Drive


NET MGT port
index iconConfigure the NET MGT Port (NET MGT)
index iconConfigure the NET MGT Port (SER MGT)


server serial numberindex iconObtain the Server Serial Number
software updatesindex iconObtaining Updated Software
updated firmwareindex iconObtain and Update Firmware (OSA)
Operator user roleindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
option ROM, enabling or disablingindex iconEnable or Disable Option ROM Settings
Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Centerindex iconMultiple Server Management Tools
Oracle ILOMindex iconCommon Administration Tools
accessing the host consoleindex iconSwitch Between the Oracle ILOM CLI and the Host Console
accessing the Remote Consoleindex iconAccess the Remote Console (Web Interface)
BIOSindex iconConfiguring the SP and Oracle ILOM (BIOS)
CLIindex iconConfiguring the SP and Oracle ILOM (Oracle ILOM CLI)
OSAindex iconConfiguring the SP and Oracle ILOM (OSA)
webindex iconConfiguring the SP and Oracle ILOM (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
configuring identityindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
featuresindex iconOracle ILOM Overview
hostnameindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
IPMI interfaceindex iconOracle ILOM Overview
logging into the CLI
index iconLog In To the Oracle ILOM CLI (SER MGT)
index iconLog In To the Oracle ILOM CLI (NET MGT)
logging into the web interfaceindex iconLog In To the Oracle ILOM Web Interface
logging outindex iconLog Out of Oracle ILOM
overviewindex iconOracle ILOM Overview
physical presence checkindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
predefined user rolesindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
root password
index iconChange the Oracle ILOM Root Password (OSA)
index iconChange the Oracle ILOM Root Password (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
index iconChange the Oracle ILOM Root Password (Oracle ILOM CLI)
recoveringindex iconRecover the Oracle ILOM Root Password
SNMPindex iconOracle ILOM Overview
system contactindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
system identifierindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
system locationindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
user accounts, configuring
index iconAdd Oracle ILOM User Accounts (OSA)
index iconConfigure User Accounts (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
user rolesindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
OSAindex iconCommon Administration Tools
index iconAccess OSA (BIOS F9 Key)
index iconAccess OSA (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
disablingindex iconDisable OSA
enablingindex iconEnable OSA
hardware RAID administrationindex iconHardware RAID Administration Tools
logging outindex iconLog Out of OSA
main windowindex iconAccess OSA (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
overviewindex iconOSA Overview
restoringindex iconRestore OSA
Summary pageindex iconAccess OSA (BIOS F9 Key)
updating to a new releaseindex iconUpdate to a New OSA Release
OSA flash drive
accessing filesindex iconAccess the Firmware and Software on the OSA USB Flash Drive
mountingindex iconMounting the OSA USB Flash Drive
BIOSindex iconBIOS Overview (Administration)
HMPindex iconHMP Overview
Oracle ILOMindex iconOracle ILOM Overview
OSAindex iconOSA Overview


packages, software releaseindex iconAvailable Software Release Packages
physical media, requesting updates onindex iconRequesting Updates on Physical Media
physical presence check, Oracle ILOMindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
pinhole for SP reset buttonindex iconReset the SP
polices, power-onindex iconConfiguring Power-On Policies
power consumption
viewingindex iconView Power Consumption
power stateindex iconControlling the Power State
controllingindex iconControl the Power State
configuringindex iconConfiguring Power-On and Boot Options
policiesindex iconConfiguring Power-On Policies
policies, configuring
index iconConfigure the Power-On Policy (Oracle ILOM CLI)
index iconConfigure the Power-On Policy (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
index iconConfiguring Power-On Policies


administrationindex iconHardware RAID Administration Tools
Remote Console
accessingindex iconAccess the Remote Console (Web Interface)
remote redirectionindex iconEnable KVMS
reset /SP commandindex iconReset the SP
reset /System commandindex iconReset the Host
Reset and Host control user roles, Oracle ILOMindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
reset button, SPindex iconReset the SP
the hostindex iconReset the Host
the SPindex iconReset the SP
resources, administrationindex iconUnderstanding Administration Resources
restoring OSAindex iconRestore OSA
RFID tagindex iconObtain the Server Serial Number


Save and Exit window, BIOS Setup utilityindex iconExit the BIOS Setup Utility
boot deviceindex iconSelecting a Boot Device
temporary boot device
through BIOSindex iconSelect a Temporary Boot Device (BIOS)
through the Oracle ILOM web interfaceindex iconSelect a Temporary Boot Device (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
SER MGT port
configuringindex iconConfigure the SP SER MGT Port
default settingsindex iconLog In To the Oracle ILOM CLI (SER MGT)
serial number
displayingindex iconDisplay Server Information (OSA)
obtainingindex iconObtain the Server Serial Number
checking for problemsindex iconCheck for Problems
controllingindex iconControlling the Server
health, monitoringindex iconMonitoring the Server Health (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
information, displaying
index iconDisplay Server Information (OSA)
index iconDisplay Server Information (BIOS)
index iconDisplay Server Information (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
locatingindex iconLocate the Server (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
monitoringindex iconMonitoring the Server
serial number, obtainingindex iconObtain the Server Serial Number
server problems, checking forindex iconCheck for Problems
Service user role, Oracle ILOMindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
Set Host Power to Last Power State policyindex iconConfiguring Power-On Policies
SNMP and Oracle ILOMindex iconOracle ILOM Overview
SNMP traps, understandingindex iconUnderstanding SNMP Traps
software releases
downloadingindex iconDownload Software Releases (My Oracle Support)
packagesindex iconAvailable Software Release Packages
software updates
obtainingindex iconObtaining Updated Software
requesting physical mediaindex iconRequesting Updates on Physical Media
software, updatingindex iconUpdating the Firmware and Software
clock, configuringindex iconSet the SP Clock (OSA)
IP addressindex iconDisplay Server Information (OSA)
MAC addressindex iconDisplay Server Information (OSA)
network, configuring
index iconConfigure the SP Network (OSA)
index iconConfigure the SP Network (BIOS)
reset buttonindex iconReset the SP
resettingindex iconReset the SP
standby power stateindex iconControlling the Power State
start /HOST/console commandindex iconSwitch Between the Oracle ILOM CLI and the Host Console
Summary page, OSAindex iconAccess OSA (BIOS F9 Key)
switching to the host consoleindex iconSwitch Between the Oracle ILOM CLI and the Host Console
system contact, Oracle ILOMindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
system identifier, Oracle ILOMindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity
system location, Oracle ILOMindex icon(Optional) Configure the Oracle ILOM Identity


Telco alarms, changing states manuallyindex iconChange Telco Alarm States Manually
temporary boot device, selecting
index iconSelect a Temporary Boot Device (BIOS)
index iconSelect a Temporary Boot Device (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)
accessingindex iconAccessing Administration Tools
for administrationindex iconCommon Administration Tools
for hardware RAID administrationindex iconHardware RAID Administration Tools
for managing multiple serversindex iconMultiple Server Management Tools


BIOS modeindex iconBIOS Overview (Administration)
RunTime driversindex iconAccess Add-On Card Configuration Utilities (BIOS)
administration resourcesindex iconUnderstanding Administration Resources
SNMP trapsindex iconUnderstanding SNMP Traps
firmware and softwareindex iconUpdating the Firmware and Software
OSAindex iconUpdate to a New OSA Release
User Management user role, Oracle ILOMindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles
user roles, Oracle ILOMindex iconOracle ILOM User Roles


viewing power consumptionindex iconView Power Consumption