Netra Server X5-2 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2016

Mount the OSA USB Flash Drive on Oracle VM 3.3

  1. Connect to your Oracle VM 3.3 server as the root user.
  2. To determine the device mapping of the OSA USB flash drive, type the lsscsi command.

    An example of how this command displays the storage devices on the server is shown below.

    # lsscsi
    [0:0:0:0]  disk    SEAGATE ST360057SSUN600G 0805 /dev/sda
    [0:0:1:0]  disk    SEAGATE ST32000SSSUN2.0T 0313 /dev/sdb
    [0:0:2:0]  disk    SEAGATE ST32000SSSUN2.0T 0313 /dev/sdc
    [0:0:3:0]  disk    ATA INTEL HDDSA2BZ30     0362 /dev/sdd
    [0:0:4:0]  enclosu ORACLE BLADE14           0903 -
    [7:0:0:0]  disk    SUN StorEdge 3511        421F /dev/sde
    [7:0:0:1]  disk    SUN StorEdge 3511        421F /dev/sdf
    [7:0:0:2]  disk    SUN StorEdge 3511        421F /dev/sdg
    [7:0:0:3]  disk    SUN StorEdge 3511        421F /dev/sdh
    [9:0:0:0]  disk    SUN CSM200_R             0660 /dev/sdi
    [9:0:0:1]  disk    SUN CSM200_R             0660 /dev/sdj
    [9:0:0:2]  disk    SUN CSM200_R             0660 /dev/sdk
    [9:0:0:3]  disk    SUN CSM200_R             0660 /dev/sdl
    [9:0:0:4]  disk    SUN CSM200_R             0660 /dev/sdm
    [9:0:0:5]  disk    SUN CSM200_R             0660 /dev/sdn
    [11:0:0:0] disk     ORACLE SSM              PMAP /dev/sdo

    The OSA USB flash drive is the disk labelled ORACLE SSM and in this example is mapped to /dev/sdo.

  3. To determine the name of the partition on the OSA USB device, type the fdisk -l /dev/sdo command.

    An example of the output produced by this command is shown below.

    # fdisk -l /dev/sdo
    Disk /dev/sdo: 3880 MB, 3880452096 bytes
    4 heads, 32 sectors/track, 59211 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 128 * 512 = 65536 bytes
    Device Boot Start End   Blocks  Id System
    /dev/sdo1 * 17    57344 3668992 ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)

    The name of the partition is in the Device column. For this example, it is /dev/sdo1.

  4. () Create a mount point to use when mounting the OSA USB flash drive.

    For example:

    # mkdir /mnt/OSA
  5. To mount the OSA USB device, use the partition name determined in Step 3 and an existing mount point or the mount point that you created in Step 4.

    Here is an example of a mount command:

    # mount -t vfat -o codepage=850 /dev/sdo1 /mnt/OSA
    # ls /mnt/OSA
    boot          Firmware    LiveOS       OracleVM    syslinux.cfg
    Documentation ldlinux.sys manifest.xml readme.html Versions.txt
    EFI           Linux       Oracle       Solaris     Windows

    The OSA USB flash drive is now mounted at the location specified.