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Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 Man Pages

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Updated: June 2017



longjmp, isetjmp - longjmp returns to the location set by isetjmp


Usage: isetjmp:
integer*4  env(12)
common /jmpblk/ env
j = isetjmp( env )
Usage: longjmp:

integer*4  env(12)
common /jmpblk/ env
call longjmp(env,ival)
When compiling for 64-bit environments, the 12-element array
env used by these routines must be declared INTEGER*8.


The isetjmp and longjmp routines are used to deal with errors and interrupts encountered in a low-level routine of a program. These routines should be used only as a last resort, as they require discipline and are not portable. Read the man page setjmp(3C) for bugs and other details.

isetjmp saves the stack environment in env. It also saves the register environment.

longjmp restores the environment saved by the last call to isetjmp, and returns in such a way that execution continues as if the call to isetjmp had just returned the value ival.

The integer expression ival returned from isetjmp is zero if longjmp is not called, and nonzero if longjmp is called.

Example: Code fragment using isetjmp and longjmp:

integer*4  env(12)
common /jmpblk/ env
j = isetjmp( env )                   !      <-- isetjmp
if ( j .eq. 0 ) then
     call  sbrtnA
     call error_processor
end if
subroutine sbrtnA
integer*4  env(12)
common /jmpblk/ env
call longjmp( env, ival )            !      <-- longjmp


You must invoke isetjmp before calling longjmp().

The argument to isetjmp must be a 12-integer array.

You must pass the env variable from the routine that calls isetjmp to the routine that calls longjmp, either by common or as an argument.

longjmp() attempts to clean up the stack.

longjmp() must be called from a lower call-level than isetjmp().

Passing isetjmp as an argument that is a procedure name does not work.


See setjmp(3C).



See Also
