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Updated: June 2017



stream_MT - base class to provide dynamic changing of iostream class objects to and from MT safety.


#include <rlocks.h>
typedef char stream_bool_t;
class stream_MT {
     enum { unsafe_object=0, safe_object=1 };
     stream_bool_t test_safe_flag();
     void set_safe_flag(stream_bool_t);
     friend class stream_locker;


Class stream_MT is a base class that allows the iostream classes in libC to work correctly in a multi-threaded environment. The classes ios and streambuf are derived from stream_MT.

The multi-thread (MT) safety of an iostream object can be dynamically changed by setting a safe flag using the member function: set_safe_flag(). An argument with the value of stream_MT::safe_object sets the iostream object to be MT safe, an argument with the value of stream_MT::unsafe_object sets the object to be MT-unsafe. The current state of the iostream object can be determined by the member function: test_safe_flag(). When an iostream object is MT safe there is a certain amount of overhead associated with internal locking in the object. The overhead can be avoided by setting the safe flag to zero which disables internal locking.



By default the safe_flag of the class object is set to stream_MT::safe_object.


The default can be changed by providing an explicit value for the safe flag.

Member functions

stream_bool_t test_safe_flag();

Returns the current value of the safe flag. A value other than stream_MT::unsafe_object indicates the iostream object is MT safe and locking is enabled.

void set_safe_flag(stream_bool_t);

Sets the internal safe flag of the iostream object to the value given as an argument. Setting the value to non-zero enables locking and makes the object MT safe. Setting the value to zero does the reverse.

See Also

C++ Library Reference, Chapter 4, "Using Classic iostreams in a Multithreaded Environment."