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Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 Man Pages

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Updated: June 2017



xprof_atob, xprof_btoa - ascii/binary profile data conversion


xprof_atob file [profile_directory]
xprof_btoa [-t data_type ] profile_directory [output_file]


xprof_btoa and xprof_atob are data conversion tools for profile data produced by running a program compiled with the compiler options -xprofile=collect and -xprofile=tcov.

xprof_btoa converts binary profile data from a profile directory to a file in ascii text format (feedback.text by default).

xprof_btoa supports conversion of the following profile data types:

-t feedback

runtime data for use in either feedback optimization or test coverage analysis. Generated by running a program compiled with either -xprofile=collect or -xprofile=tcov:profile_directory.

-t objfd

compilation data for use in test coverage analysis. Generated by compiling an object file with the option -xprofile=tcov:profile_directory.

-t tcovd

runtime data for use only in test coverage analysis. Generated by running a program compiled with the option -xprofile=tcov without a specified profile directory.

-t tcovsd

combined compilation and runtime data for test coverage analysis. Generated by running tcov(1) on a profile directory containing new runtime data.

To convert compilation data associated with a particular object file, the data type name "objfd" must be followed the object file's resolved UNIX pathname.

If no output filename is specified, the file produced by xprof_btoa is named data_type.text where data_type is one of the above data type names. If no data type name is specified, the default data type is "feedback".

xprof_atob converts textual profile data from an ascii text file to binary profile data in a new profile directory (atob.profile by default).

See xprof_text(4) for a description of the format of text files generated and recognized, respectively, by xprof_btoa and xprof_atob.