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checkmk (1)


checkmk - Awk script for generating C unit tests for use with the Check unit testing framework.


checkmk [ clean_mode=1 ] [ input-file ]


CHECKMK(1)                                                          CHECKMK(1)

       checkmk  -  Awk  script  for  generating  C unit tests for use with the
       Check unit testing framework.

       checkmk [ clean_mode=1 ] [ input-file ]

       Generate C-language source files containing unit tests for use with the
       Check  unit  testing  framework.  The aim of this script is to automate
       away some of the typical boilerplate one must write when writing a test
       suite  using  Check:  specifically,  the  instantiation  of an SRunner,
       Suite(s), and TCase(s), and the building of relationships between these
       objects and the test functions.

       This  tool  is  intended  to be used by those who are familiar with the
       Check unit testing framework. Familiarity with the  framework  will  be
       assumed throughout this manual.

       The  Check framework, along with information regarding it, is available
       at                                    https://libcheck.github.io/check/

       The  input-file  argument to checkmk uses a simple, C-preprocessor-like
       syntax to declare test functions, and to describe  their  relationships
       to  Suites  and TCases in Check.  checkmk then uses this information to
       automatically write a main() function containing all of  the  necessary
       declarations,  and  whatever code is needed to run the test suites. The
       final C-language output is printed to checkmk's standard output.

       Facilities are provided for the insertion of user code into the  gener-
       ated  main() function, to provide for the use of logging, test fixtures
       or specialized exit values.

       While it is possible to omit the input-file  argument  to  checkmk  and
       provide  the input file on checkmk's standard input instead, it is gen-
       erally recommended to provide it as  an  argument.  Doing  this  allows
       checkmk  to  be  aware of the file's name, to place references to it in
       the initial comments of the C-language output,  and  to  intersperse  C
       #line  directives  throughout,  to  facilitate in debugging problems by
       directing the user to the original input file.

       The only officially supported option is specifying a true value  (using
       Awk's  definition  for "true") for the variable clean_mode. This causes
       checkmk not to place appropriate #line directives in the  source  code,
       which some might find to be unnecessary clutter.

       The  author recommends against the use of this option, as it will cause
       C compilers and debugging tools to refer to lines in the  automatically
       generated output, rather than the original input files to checkmk. This
       would encourage users to edit the output files instead of the  original
       input files, would make it difficult for intelligent editors or IDEs to
       pull up the right file to edit, and could result  in  the  fixes  being
       overwritten when the output files are regenerated.

       #line  directives  are  automatically  supressed when the input file is
       provided on standard input instead of as a command-line argument.

       In its most basic form, an input file can be simply a  prologue  and  a
       test  function. Anything that appears before the first test function is
       in the prologue, and will be copied into the output verbatim. The  test
       function is begun by a line in the form:

       #test test_name

       Where test_name is the name of your test function. This will be used to
       name a C function, so it must be a valid C identifier.

       Here is a small, complete example:

       /* A complete test example */

       #include <stdio.h>

       #test the_test
           int nc;
           const char msg[] = "\n\n    Hello, world!\n";

           nc = printf("%s", msg);
           ck_assert(nc == (sizeof(msg) - 1)); /* for terminating NUL. */

       If you place the above into a file named basic_complete.ts and  process
       it using the following command:

       $ checkmk basic_complete.ts > basic_complete.c

       basic_complete.c will contain output similar to:

        * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Generated by checkmk.
        * Edit the original source file "in" instead.

       #include <check.h>

       /* A complete test example */

       #include <stdio.h>

           int nc;
           const char msg[] = "\n\n    Hello, world!\n";

           nc = printf("%s", msg);
           ck_assert(nc == (sizeof(msg) - 1)); /* for terminating NUL. */

       int main(void)
           Suite *s1 = suite_create("Core");
           TCase *tc1_1 = tcase_create("Core");
           SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s1);
           int nf;

           suite_add_tcase(s1, tc1_1);
           tcase_add_test(tc1_1, the_test);

           srunner_run_all(sr, CK_ENV);
           nf = srunner_ntests_failed(sr);

           return nf == 0 ? 0 : 1;

       In real usage, basic_complete.c would also contain #line directives.

       Here  is  a complete summary of all the C-preprocessor-style directives
       that are understood by checkmk. See below for more details.

       # test test_name
       # test-signal(signal) test_name
       # test-exit(exit_code) test_name
       # test-loop(start, end) test_name
       # test-loop-signal(signal, start, end) test_name
       # test-loop-exit(exit_code, start, end) test_name
       # suite TestSuiteName
       # tcase TestCaseName
       # main-pre
       # main-post

       All directives are  case-insensitive.  Whitespace  may  appear  at  the
       beginning  of  the  line before the #, between the # and the directive,
       between the directive and any argument, and at the end of the line.

       Here is a more detailed explanation of the directives that may be  used
       to define test functions and their containers.

       # test test_name
       # test-signal(signal) test_name
       # test-exit(exit_code) test_name
       # test-loop(start, end) test_name
       # test-loop-signal(signal, start, end) test_name
       # test-loop-exit(exit_code, start, end) test_name

       These  are  the most basic directives for creating a template for input
       to checkmk. They are the only directives that are required: there  must
       be  at least one #test* directive appearing in the template, or checkmk
       will fail with an error message. The #test* directives may be specified
       several  times,  each  one beginning the definition of a new test func-

       The test_name argument will be used as the name of a test  function  in
       the  C-language output, so it must be a valid C identifier. That is, it
       must begin with an alphabetic character or the underscore (_), followed
       by optional alpha-numeric characters and/or underscores.

       Universal  Character Names (introduced in C99) are also allowed, of the
       form \uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX, where the X's represent hexadecimal digits.

       It is an error to specify the same test_name in more  than  one  #test*
       directive,  regardless  of  whether  they are associated with different
       test cases or suites.

       See CHECKMK IDENTIFIERS for the list of  identifiers  which  should  be
       avoided for use as test function names.

       # suite TestSuiteName

       This  directive  specifies  the name of the test suite (Suite object in
       the Check test framework) to which all future  test  cases  (and  their
       test functions) will be added.

       The TestSuiteName is a text string, and may contain any sort of charac-
       ters at all (other than ASCII NUL character,  and  the  newline,  which
       would terminate the directive). Any leading or trailing whitespace will
       be omitted from the test suite name.

       Starting a new test suite also begins a new test case,  whose  name  is
       identical  to the new test suite. This test case name may be overridden
       by a subsequent #tcase directive.

       Note that a Suite object won't actually be defined by checkmk in the  C
       output, unless it is followed at some point by a #test directive (with-
       out an intervening #suite). It is not an error for a #suite to have  no
       associated  #test's;  the  #suite  (and any associated #tcase's) simply
       won't result in any action on the part of checkmk (and would  therefore
       be useless).

       It  is an error for a #suite directive to specify the same (case sensi-
       tive) suite multiple times, unless the previous uses were not instanti-
       ated by the presence of at least one associated #test directive.

       If  you do not specify a #suite directive before the first #test direc-
       tive, checkmk performs the equivalent of an implicit #suite  directive,
       with  the  string  "Core"  as  the  value  for TestSuiteName (this also
       implies a "Core" test case object). This is demonstrated above in BASIC

       # tcase TestCaseName

       This directive specifies the name of the test case (TCase object in the
       Check test framework) to which all future test functions will be added.

       The #tcase works very in a way very similar to #suite. The TestCaseName
       is  a  text  string,  and may contain arbitrary characters; and a TCase
       object won't actually be defined unless it is followed by an associated
       #test directive.

       It  is an error for a #tcase directive to specify the same (case sensi-
       tive) test case multiple times,  unless  the  previous  uses  were  not
       instantiated  by  the  presence of at least one associated #test direc-

       See also the #suite directive, described above.

       The C main() is automatically generated by checkmk, defining the neces-
       sary  SRunner's,  Suite's,  and  TCase's  required by the test-defining
       directives specified by the user.

       For most situations, this completely automated main() is quite suitable
       as-is. However, there are situations where one might wish to add custom
       code to the main(). For instance, if the user wishes to:

       o change the test timeout value via tcase_set_timeout(),

       o specify Check's "no-fork-mode" via srunner_set_fork_status(),

       o set up test fixtures for some test cases, via  tcase_add_checked_fix-
         ture() or tcase_add_unchecked_fixture(),

       o set  up  test  logging  for  the  suite runner, via srunner_set_log()
         or srunner_set_xml(), or

       o perform custom wrap-up after the test suites have been run.

       For these purposes, the #main-pre and #main-post directives  have  been

       # main-pre

       The text following this directive will be placed verbatim into the body
       of the generated main() function, just after checkmk's own local  vari-
       able declarations, and before any test running has taken place (indeed,
       before even the relationships between the tests, test cases,  and  test
       suites  have  been set up, though that fact shouldn't make much differ-
       ence). Since checkmk has only just finished making its declarations, it
       is permissible, even under strict 1990 ISO C guidelines, to make custom
       variable declarations here.

       Unlike the previously-described directives, #main-pre may be  specified
       at  most  once. It may not be preceded by the #main-post directive, and
       no #suite, #tcase, or #test directive may appear after it.

       #main-pre is a good place to tweak settings or set up test fixtures. Of
       course, in order to do so, you need to know what names checkmk has used
       to instantiate the SRunner's, Suite's, and TCase's.

       Pointers to Suite's are declared using the pattern sX,  where  X  is  a
       number  that starts at 1, and is incremented for each subsequent #suite
       directive.  s1 always exists, and contains the test  function  declared
       by  the  first #test directive. If that directive was not preceded by a
       #suite, it will be given the name "Core".

       Pointers to TCase's are declared using the pattern tcX_Y, where X  cor-
       responds to the number used for the name of the Suite that will contain
       this TCase; and Y is a number that starts at 1 for each new Suite,  and
       is incremented for each TCase in that Suite.

       A pointer to SRunner is declared using the identifier sr; there is also
       an integer named nf which holds the number of test failures (after  the
       tests have run).

       For obvious reasons, the user should not attempt to declare local iden-
       tifiers in main(), or define any macros or test functions, whose  names
       might conflict with the local variable names used by checkmk. To summa-
       rize, these names are:





       # main-post

       Though it is not as useful, checkmk also provides a  #main-post  direc-
       tive  to  insert custom code at the end of main(), after the tests have
       run. This could be used to clean up resources that  were  allocated  in
       the  prologue,  or  to  print information about the failed tests, or to
       provide a custom exit status code.

       Note that, if you make use of this directive, checkmk will not  provide
       a return statement: you will need to provide one yourself.

       The  #main-post  directive  may not be followed by any other directives
       recognized by checkmk.

       Now that you've gotten the detailed descriptions of the various  direc-
       tives,  let's  see  it all put to action with this fairly comprehensive

       #include "mempool.h"  /* defines MEMPOOLSZ, prototypes for
                                mempool_init() and mempool_free() */

       void *mempool;

       void mp_setup(void)
           mempool = mempool_init(MEMPOOLSZ);
           ck_assert_msg(mempool != NULL, "Couldn't allocate mempool.");

       void mp_teardown(void)

       /* end of prologue */

       #suite Mempool

       #tcase MP Init

       #test mempool_init_zero_test
           mempool = mempool_init(0);
           ck_assert_msg(mempool == NULL, "Allocated a zero-sized mempool!");
           ck_assert_msg(mempool_error(), "Didn't get an error for zero alloc.");

       /* "MP Util" TCase uses checked fixture. */
       #tcase MP Util

       #test mempool_copy_test
           void *cp = mempool_copy(mempool);
           ck_assert_msg(cp != NULL, "Couldn't perform mempool copy.");
           ck_assert_msg(cp != mempool, "Copy returned original pointer!");

       #test mempool_size_test
           ck_assert(mempool_getsize(mempool) == MEMPOOLSZ);

           tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc1_2, mp_setup, mp_teardown);
           srunner_set_log(sr, "mplog.txt");

           if (nf != 0) {
             printf("Hey, something's wrong! %d whole tests failed!\n", nf);
           return 0; /* Harness checks for output, always return success
                        regardless. */

       Plugging this into checkmk, we'll get output roughly like  the  follow-

        * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Generated by checkmk.
        * Edit the original source file "comprehensive.ts" instead.

       #include <check.h>

       #include "mempool.h"

       void *mempool;

       void mp_setup(void)

       void mp_teardown(void)

       /* end of prologue */




       int main(void)
           Suite *s1 = suite_create("Mempool");
           TCase *tc1_1 = tcase_create("MP Init");
           TCase *tc1_2 = tcase_create("MP Util");
           SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s1);
           int nf;

           /* User-specified pre-run code */
           tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc1_2, mp_setup, mp_teardown);
           srunner_set_log(sr, "mplog.txt");

           suite_add_tcase(s1, tc1_1);
           tcase_add_test(tc1_1, mempool_init_zero_test);
           suite_add_tcase(s1, tc1_2);
           tcase_add_test(tc1_2, mempool_copy_test);
           tcase_add_test(tc1_2, mempool_size_test);

           srunner_run_all(sr, CK_ENV);
           nf = srunner_ntests_failed(sr);

           /* User-specified post-run code */
           if (nf != 0) {
             printf("Hey, something's wrong! %d whole tests failed!\n", nf);
           return 0; /* Harness checks for output, always return success
                        regardless. */

       checkmk and this manual were written by Micah J Cowan.

       Copyright (C) 2006, 2010 Micah J Cowan.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | developer/test/check |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted          |

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source                was                downloaded                from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://libcheck.github.io/check.

                               09 February 2010                     CHECKMK(1)