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更新: 2022年7月27日

escript (1)


escript - Erlang scripting support


Please see following description for synopsis


escript(1)                       User Commands                      escript(1)

       escript - Erlang scripting support

       escript provides support for running short Erlang programs without hav-
       ing to compile them first, and an easy way to retrieve the command-line

       It  is  possible  to bundle escript(s) with an Erlang runtime system to
       make it self-sufficient and relocatable. In such a  standalone  system,
       the escript(s) should be located in the top bin directory of the stand-
       alone system and given .escript as file extension. Further the  (built-
       in)  escript  program  should be copied to the same directory and given
       the script's original name (without the .escript extension). This  will
       enable use of the bundled Erlang runtime system.

       The  (built-in)  escript  program first determines which Erlang runtime
       system to use and then starts it to execute your  script.  Usually  the
       runtime  system  is  located  in  the  same  Erlang installation as the
       escript program itself. But for standalone systems  with  one  or  more
       escripts it may be the case that the escript program in your path actu-
       ally starts the runtime system bundled with the escript. This is inten-
       tional,  and typically happens when the standalone system bin directory
       is not in the execution path (as it may cause its erl program to  over-
       ride  the  desired one) and the escript(s) are referred to via symbolic
       links from a bin directory in the path.

       script-name script-arg1 script-arg2...
       escript escript-flags script-name script-arg1 script-arg2...

              escript runs a script written in Erlang.


              $ chmod u+x factorial
              $ cat factorial
              #!/usr/bin/env escript
              %% -*- erlang -*-
              %%! -sname factorial -mnesia debug verbose
              main([String]) ->
                      N = list_to_integer(String),
                      F = fac(N),
                      io:format("factorial ~w = ~w\n", [N,F])
                      _:_ ->
              main(_) ->

              usage() ->
                  io:format("usage: factorial integer\n"),

              fac(0) -> 1;
              fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).
              $ ./factorial 5
              factorial 5 = 120
              $ ./factorial
              usage: factorial integer
              $ ./factorial five
              usage: factorial integer

              The header of the Erlang script in the example  differs  from  a
              normal  Erlang  module.  The  first  line  is intended to be the
              interpreter line, which invokes escript.

              However, if you invoke the escript as follows, the  contents  of
              the  first line do not matter, but it cannot contain Erlang code
              as it will be ignored:

              $ escript factorial 5

              The second line in the example contains an optional directive to
              the  Emacs  editor,  which causes it to enter the major mode for
              editing Erlang source files. If the  directive  is  present,  it
              must be located on the second line.

              If a comment selecting the encoding exists, it can be located on
              the second line.

              The encoding specified by the above mentioned comment applies to
              the script itself. The encoding of the I/O-server, however, must
              be set explicitly as follows:

              io:setopts([{encoding, unicode}])

              The default  encoding  of  the  I/O-server  for  standard_io  is
              latin1,  as  the  script runs in a non-interactive terminal (see
              section  Summary of Options) in the STDLIB User's Guide.

              On the third line (or second line depending on the  presence  of
              the  Emacs  directive), arguments can be specified to the emula-
              tor, for example:

              %%! -sname factorial -mnesia debug verbose

              Such an argument line must start with %%! and the remaining line
              is interpreted as arguments to the emulator.

              If  you  know  the location of the escript executable, the first
              line can directly give the path to escript, for example:


              As any other type of scripts, Erlang scripts do not work on Unix
              platforms  if  the execution bit for the script file is not set.
              (To turn on the execution bit, use chmod +x script-name.)

              The remaining Erlang  script  file  can  either  contain  Erlang
              source code, an inlined beam file, or an inlined archive file.

              An  Erlang  script file must always contain the main/1 function.
              When the script is run, the main/1 function  is  called  with  a
              list  of  strings  representing  the  arguments specified to the
              script (not changed or interpreted in any way).

              If the main/1 function in the script returns  successfully,  the
              exit  status  for  the script is 0. If an exception is generated
              during execution, a short message is printed and the script ter-
              minates with exit status 127.

              To  return your own non-zero exit code, call halt(ExitCode), for


              To   retrieve    the    pathname    of    the    script,    call
              escript:script_name() from your script (the pathname is usually,
              but not always, absolute).

              If the file contains source code (as in the example  above),  it
              is  processed  by the epp preprocessor. This means that you, for
              example, can use predefined macros (such as ?MODULE) and include
              directives like the -include_lib directive. For example, use


              to  include the record definitions for the records used by func-
              tion file:read_link_info/1. You  can  also  select  encoding  by
              including an encoding comment here, but if a valid encoding com-
              ment exists on the second line, it takes precedence.

              The script is checked for  syntactic  and  semantic  correctness
              before  it  is  run. If there are warnings (such as unused vari-
              ables), they are printed and the script will still  be  run.  If
              there  are  errors,  they are printed and the script will not be
              run and its exit status is 127.

              Both the module declaration and the export  declaration  of  the
              main/1 function are optional.

              By  default, the script will be interpreted. You can force it to
              be compiled by including the following  line  somewhere  in  the
              script file:


              Execution  of  interpreted code is slower than compiled code. If
              much of the execution takes place in interpreted code, it can be
              worthwhile  to compile it, although the compilation itself takes
              a little while.

              As mentioned earlier, a script  can  contains  precompiled  beam
              code.  In a precompiled script, the interpretation of the script
              header is the same as in a script containing source  code.  This
              means that you can make a beam file executable by prepending the
              file with the lines starting with #! and %%! mentioned above. In
              a precompiled script, the main/1 function must be exported.

              Another  option  is  to  have  an  entire  Erlang archive in the
              script. In an archive script, the interpretation of  the  script
              header  is  the same as in a script containing source code. This
              means that you can make an archive file executable by prepending
              the  file  with  the  lines  starting  with #! and %%! mentioned
              above. In  an  archive  script,  the  main/1  function  must  be
              exported.  By default the main/1 function in the module with the
              same name as the basename of the escript file is  invoked.  This
              behavior  can be overridden by setting flag -escript main Module
              as one of the emulator flags. Module must be the name of a  mod-
              ule  that  has an exported main/1 function. For more information
              about archives and code loading, see code(3).

              It is often very convenient to have a  header  in  the  escript,
              especially  on  Unix platforms. However, the header is optional,
              so you directly can "execute" an Erlang module,  Beam  file,  or
              archive  file  without  adding  any header to them. But then you
              have to invoke the script as follows:

              $ escript factorial.erl 5
              factorial 5 = 120
              $ escript factorial.beam 5
              factorial 5 = 120
              $ escript factorial.zip 5
              factorial 5 = 120

       escript:create(FileOrBin, Sections) -> ok | {ok,  binary()}  |  {error,


                 FileOrBin = filename() | 'binary'
                 Sections = [Header] Body | Body
                 Header  =  shebang | {shebang, Shebang} | comment | {comment,
                 Comment} | {emu_args, EmuArgs}
                 Shebang = string() | 'default' | 'undefined'
                 Comment = string() | 'default' | 'undefined'
                 EmuArgs = string() | 'undefined'
                 Body = {source, SourceCode} | {beam,  BeamCode}  |  {archive,
                 ZipArchive} | {archive, ZipFiles, ZipOptions}
                 SourceCode = BeamCode = file:filename() | binary()
                 ZipArchive =  zip:filename() | binary()
                 ZipFiles = [ZipFile]
                 ZipFile  =  file:filename()  |  {file:filename(), binary()} |
                 {file:filename(), binary(), file:file_info()}
                 ZipOptions = [ zip:create_option()]

              Creates an escript from a list of sections. The sections can  be
              specified  in  any  order.  An  escript  begins with an optional
              Header followed by a mandatory Body. If the header  is  present,
              it does always begin with a shebang, possibly followed by a com-
              ment  and  emu_args.  The  shebang  defaults  to   "/usr/bin/env
              escript".  The  comment  defaults  to "This is an -*- erlang -*-
              file". The created escript can either be returned as a binary or
              written to file.

              As  an  example  of  how  the function can be used, we create an
              interpreted escript that uses  emu_args  to  set  some  emulator
              flag.  In this case, it happens to set number of schedulers with
              +S3. We also extract the different sections from the newly  cre-
              ated script:

              > Source = "%% Demo\nmain(_Args) ->\n io:format(\"~p\",[erlang:system_info(schedulers)]).\n".
              "%% Demo\nmain(_Args) ->\n    io:format(erlang:system_info(schedulers)).\n"
              > io:format("~s\n", [Source]).
              %% Demo
              main(_Args) ->

              > {ok, Bin} = escript:create(binary, [shebang, comment, {emu_args, "+S3"}, {source, list_to_binary(Source)}]).
              {ok,<<"#!/usr/bin/env escript\n%% This is an -*- erlang -*- file\n%%!+S3"...>>}
              > file:write_file("demo.escript", Bin).
              > os:cmd("escript demo.escript").
              > escript:extract("demo.escript", []).
              {ok,[{shebang,default}, {comment,default}, {emu_args,"+S3"},
                   {source,<<"%% Demo\nmain(_Args) ->\n    io:format(erlang:system_info(schedu"...>>}]}

              An escript without header can be created as follows:

              > file:write_file("demo.erl", ["%% demo.erl\n-module(demo).\n-export([main/1]).\n\n", Source]).
              > {ok, _, BeamCode} = compile:file("demo.erl", [binary, debug_info]).
              > escript:create("demo.beam", [{beam, BeamCode}]).
              > escript:extract("demo.beam", []).
              {ok,[{shebang,undefined}, {comment,undefined}, {emu_args,undefined},
              > os:cmd("escript demo.beam").

              Here we create an archive script containing both Erlang code and
              Beam code, then we iterate over all files  in  the  archive  and
              collect their contents and some information about them:

              > {ok, SourceCode} = file:read_file("demo.erl").
              {ok,<<"%% demo.erl\n-module(demo).\n-export([main/1]).\n\n%% Demo\nmain(_Arg"...>>}
              > escript:create("demo.escript", [shebang, {archive, [{"demo.erl", SourceCode}, {"demo.beam", BeamCode}], []}]).
              > {ok, [{shebang,default}, {comment,undefined}, {emu_args,undefined}, {archive, ArchiveBin}]} = escript:extract("demo.escript", []).
              {ok,[{shebang,default}, {comment,undefined}, {emu_args,undefined},
              > file:write_file("demo.zip", ArchiveBin).
              > zip:foldl(fun(N, I, B, A) -> [{N, I(), B()} | A] end, [], "demo.zip").
                    <<"%% demo.erl\n-module(demo).\n-export([main/1]).\n\n%% Demo\nmain(_Arg"...>>}]}

       escript:extract(File, Options) -> {ok, Sections} | {error, term()}


                 File = filename()
                 Options = [] | [compile_source]
                 Sections = Headers Body
                 Headers  =  {shebang,  Shebang} {comment, Comment} {emu_args,
                 Shebang = string() | 'default' | 'undefined'
                 Comment = string() | 'default' | 'undefined'
                 EmuArgs = string() | 'undefined'
                 Body = {source, SourceCode} |  {source,  BeamCode}  |  {beam,
                 BeamCode} | {archive, ZipArchive}
                 SourceCode = BeamCode = ZipArchive = binary()

              Parses an escript and extracts its sections. This is the reverse
              of create/2.

              All sections are returned even if  they  do  not  exist  in  the
              escript.  If a particular section happens to have the same value
              as the default value, the extracted value is  set  to  the  atom
              default.  If a section is missing, the extracted value is set to
              the atom undefined.

              Option compile_source only affects the  result  if  the  escript
              contains  source code. In this case the Erlang code is automati-
              cally compiled and {source, BeamCode}  is  returned  instead  of
              {source, SourceCode}.


              > escript:create("demo.escript", [shebang, {archive, [{"demo.erl", SourceCode}, {"demo.beam", BeamCode}], []}]).
              > {ok, [{shebang,default}, {comment,undefined}, {emu_args,undefined}, {archive, ArchiveBin}]} = escript:extract("demo.escript", []).

       escript:script_name() -> File


                 File = filename()

              Returns  the  name of the escript that is executed. If the func-
              tion is invoked outside the context of an escript, the  behavior
              is undefined.

           Compiles the escript regardless of the value of the mode attribute.

           Debugs  the escript. Starts the debugger, loads the module contain-
           ing the main/1 function into the debugger,  sets  a  breakpoint  in
           main/1,  and  invokes main/1. If the module is precompiled, it must
           be explicitly compiled with option debug_info.

           Interprets  the  escript  regardless  of  the  value  of  the  mode

           Performs  a  syntactic and semantic check of the script file. Warn-
           ings and errors (if any) are written to the  standard  output,  but
           the  script will not be run. The exit status is 0 if any errors are
           found, otherwise 127.

       The configuration of the Erlang emulator invoked by escript can be con-
       trolled using the  environment variables understood by erl.

Ericsson AB                        erts 12.2                        escript(1)