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更新: 2022年7月27日

npm-access (1)


npm-access - Set access level on published packages Synopsis npm access public [<package>] npm access restricted [<package>] npm access grant <read-only|read-write> <scope:team> [<package>] npm access revoke <scope:team> [<package>] npm access 2fa-required [<package>] npm access 2fa-not-required [<package>] npm access ls-packages [<user>|<scope>|<scope:team>] npm access ls-collaborators [<package> [<user>]] npm access edit [<package>] Description Used to set access controls on private packages. For all of the subcommands, npm access will perform actions on the packages in the current working directory if no package name is passed to the subcommand. o public / restricted: Set a package to be either publicly accessible or restricted. o grant / revoke: Add or remove the ability of users and teams to have read-only or read-write access to a package. o 2fa-required / 2fa-not-required: Configure whether a package requires that anyone publishing it have two-factor authentication enabled on their account. o ls-packages: Show all of the packages a user or a team is able to access, along with the access level, except for read-only public packages (it won't print the whole registry listing) o ls-collaborators: Show all of the access privileges for a package. Will only show permissions for packages to which you have at least read access. If <user> is passed in, the list is filtered only to teams that user happens to belong to. o edit: Set the access privileges for a package at once using $EDITOR. Details npm access always operates directly on the current registry, config- urable from the command line using --registry=<registry url>. Unscoped packages are always public. Scoped packages default to restricted, but you can either publish them as public using npm publish --access=public, or set their access as public using npm access public after the initial publish. You must have privileges to set the access of a package: o You are an owner of an unscoped or scoped package. o You are a member of the team that owns a scope. o You have been given read-write privileges for a package, either as a member of a team or directly as an owner. If you have two-factor authentication enabled then you'll be prompted to provide an otp token, or may use the --otp=... option to specify it on the command line. If your account is not paid, then attempts to publish scoped packages will fail with an HTTP 402 status code (logically enough), unless you use --access=public. Management of teams and team memberships is done with the npm team com- mand. Configuration registry o Default: "https://registry.npmjs.org/" o Type: URL The base URL of the npm registry. otp o Default: null o Type: null or String This is a one-time password from a two-factor authenticator. It's needed when publishing or changing package permissions with npm access. If not set, and a registry response fails with a challenge for a one-time password, npm will prompt on the command line for one. See Also o libnpmaccess https://npm.im/libnpmaccess o npm help team o npm help publish o npm help config o npm help registry


Please see following description for synopsis


NPM-ACCESS(1)                                                    NPM-ACCESS(1)

       npm-access - Set access level on published packages

         npm access public [<package>]
         npm access restricted [<package>]
         npm access grant <read-only|read-write> <scope:team> [<package>]
         npm access revoke <scope:team> [<package>]
         npm access 2fa-required [<package>]
         npm access 2fa-not-required [<package>]
         npm access ls-packages [<user>|<scope>|<scope:team>]
         npm access ls-collaborators [<package> [<user>]]
         npm access edit [<package>]

       Used to set access controls on private packages.

       For  all  of  the  subcommands,  npm access will perform actions on the
       packages in the current working directory if no package name is  passed
       to the subcommand.

       o public  /  restricted: Set a package to be either publicly accessible
         or restricted.

       o grant / revoke: Add or remove the ability of users and teams to  have
         read-only or read-write access to a package.

       o 2fa-required / 2fa-not-required: Configure whether a package requires
         that anyone publishing it have two-factor authentication  enabled  on
         their account.

       o ls-packages:  Show  all  of  the packages a user or a team is able to
         access, along with the access  level,  except  for  read-only  public
         packages (it won't print the whole registry listing)

       o ls-collaborators:  Show  all  of the access privileges for a package.
         Will only show permissions for packages to which you  have  at  least
         read  access.  If  <user>  is passed in, the list is filtered only to
         teams that user happens to belong to.

       o edit: Set the access privileges for a package at once using $EDITOR.

       npm access always operates directly on the  current  registry,  config-
       urable from the command line using --registry=<registry url>.

       Unscoped packages are always public.

       Scoped  packages default to restricted, but you can either publish them
       as public using npm publish --access=public, or  set  their  access  as
       public using npm access public after the initial publish.

       You must have privileges to set the access of a package:

       o You are an owner of an unscoped or scoped package.

       o You are a member of the team that owns a scope.

       o You  have been given read-write privileges for a package, either as a
         member of a team or directly as an owner.

       If you have two-factor authentication enabled then you'll  be  prompted
       to  provide an otp token, or may use the --otp=... option to specify it
       on the command line.

       If your account is not paid, then attempts to publish  scoped  packages
       will  fail  with an HTTP 402 status code (logically enough), unless you
       use --access=public.

       Management of teams and team memberships is done with the npm team com-

       o Default: "https://registry.npmjs.org/"

       o Type: URL

       The base URL of the npm registry.

       o Default: null

       o Type: null or String

       This  is  a  one-time  password  from  a two-factor authenticator. It's
       needed when publishing or changing package permissions with npm access.

       If not set, and a registry  response  fails  with  a  challenge  for  a
       one-time password, npm will prompt on the command line for one.

   See Also
       o libnpmaccess https://npm.im/libnpmaccess

       o npm help team

       o npm help publish

       o npm help config

       o npm help registry

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | runtime/nodejs/nodejs-18 |
       |Stability      | Pass-thru volatile       |

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source    was   downloaded   from    https://github.com/nodejs/node/ar-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://github.com/nodejs/node.

                                  April 2022                     NPM-ACCESS(1)